



发表于 2013-12-30 00:46:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 来自:四川
本帖最后由 RAVEN1233 于 2014-2-12 15:17 编辑


黑体大字是材料名字。act1-5 是第几关。 后面的是掉的怪的名字。  drops from(从什么地方掉落的) 。 rare spawn(稀有怪物)

Adventurer's Journal - Used for Pender's Purchase, Gloves

Drops from breakable and clickable objects. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, The Weeping Hollow
- Act 1, Defiled Crypt
- Act 1, The Royal Crypts
- Act 1, Southern Highlands
- Act 1, Cave of the Moon Clan
- Act 1, Nothern Highlands
- Act 2, Dalguhr Oasis, Defiled Bones
- Act 2, Desolate Sands, corpses on the ground
- Act 2, Cave of the Betrayer, rocks

Angelic Shard - Used for the Hallowed Set

Drops from Fallen Angels. Confirmed from:
- Act 4, Corrupted Angels
- Act 4, The Great Span, Izual

Behistun Rune - Used for Mark of the Magi, Staff

Drops from Cultists and Hellions. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Leoric's Manor, Krailen the Wicked (rare spawn)
- Act 2, Road to Alcarnus, Yeth (rare spawn and bounty target)

Bloody Pincer - Used for Demon Claw, Fist Weapon

Drops from Act 5 spiders (I don't know the exact name). Confirmed from:
- Act 5, Ruins of Corvus, Balala

Born's Key - Used for the Born's Command set

Drops from Zombies. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Cemetery of the Forsaken, Lucious the Depraved (rare spawn and bounty target)

Captured Nightmare - Used for a One-handed Mighty Weapon

Drops from Terror Demons and Enslaved Nightmares in Act 4.

Captured Soul - Used for Lai Yui's Persuader, Daibo

Drops from Soul Rippers. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, The Keep Depths Level 2, Aloysius the Ghastly (rare spawn)

Cartographer's Toolkit - Used for Board Walkers, Boots

Drops from Ghouls. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Festering Woods, Enkidu (spawns during the "Eternal War" event")
- Act 3, Rakkis Crossing, Lavarinth (spawns during the "Blaze of Glory" event)
- Act 3, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Gholash (rare spawn)

Cultist's Blood - Used for Blood-Magic Edge, Dagger

Drops from Cultists. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Halls of Agony Level 1, Cultist Grand Inquisitor
- Act 2, Alcarnus, High Cultist Murdos (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 2, Alcarnus, Jhorum the Cleric (rare spawn and bounty target)

Defiled Doll - Used for Spite, Mojo

Source unknown.

Demons Skin - Used for the Demon's Hide Set

Drops from Phasebeasts and Armored Destroyers. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, The Core of Arreat, Axgore the Cleaver (rare spawn)
- Act 3, Tower of the Damned Level 1, Haxxor (rare spawn)
- Act 4, Gardens of Hope 1st Tier, Khatun (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 4, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Razorclaw

Element of Celerity - Used for Fleeting Strap, Belt

Drops from Scavengers. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Weeping Hollow, Mange (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 1, Fields of Misery, Burrow Bile (part of the Forlorn Farm event)
- Act 1, Fields of Misery, Dreadclaw the Leaper (rare spawn)
- Act 1, Watch Tower Level 2, Armorer's Bane (spawns during the "Scavenged Scabbard" event)

Essence of the Twin Seas - Used for the Captain Crimson's Trimmings Set

Drops from Dune Threshers. Confirmed from:
- Act 2, Black Canyon Mines, Razormouth (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 2, Sewers of Caldeum, Moontooth Dreadshark (rare spawn, comes out of the rubble that usually spawns at the end of a SW-NE corridor)

Eternal Power Capsule - Used for Arcane Barb, Crossbow

Drops from Cuddle Bears. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Whimsyshire, Evil Oliver (rare spawn)

Eyes of the Dead - Used for War of the Dead, Two-handed Mighty Weapon

Drops from Skeletons. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Leoric's Passage, Headcleaver
- Act 1, Cathedral Level 2, Merrium Skullthorn (rare spawn and bounty target)

Frozen Blood - Used for Utar's Roar, One-handed Axe

Most likely drops in the Caverns of Frost in Act 3. Further confirmation would be nice, as well as known monster types that may drop it.

Glowing Ore - Used for Cosmic Strand, Source

Source unknown.

Griswold's Scribblings - Used for Griswold's Perfection, One-handed Sword

Drops from objects that drop lore journals, but more often from bookshelves. However, this could be simply because bookshelves are fairly common objects, they may not have better drop rates at all. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Cathedral, bookshelves
- Act 1, Cemetery of the Forsaken, Gravedigger's corpse
- Act 1, Festering Woods, Enmerkar (spawns during the "Last Stand of the Ancients" event)
- Act 1, Wortham Chapel, bookshelves
- Act 1, Cave of the Moon Clan, lore objects (the ones that drop the "Notes of Urik the Seer")
- Act 2, Khasim Outpost, in Cain's Lost Satchel before the outpost
- Act 2, Khasim Outpost, chest inside the outpost (normally drops the "Captain's Order" lore journal)
- Act 2, Zoltun Kulle dungeons, bookcases
- Act 3, Skycrown Battlements, Morgan's satchel
- Act 3, The Keep Depths, lore objects
- Act 4, Angiris Archives

Hilt of the Silver Wolf - Used for Golden Scourge

Drops from Fallen Hounds. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, Arreat Crater Level 1, Growlfang (rare spawn, I think he may also appear at the Skycrown Battlements)

Human Cartilage - Used for Wall of Man, Shield

Drops from Grotesques. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Defiled Crypt, Manglemaw
- Act 1, Halls of Agony Level 2, Tormented Behemoth (spawns during the "A Stranger in Need" event)

Iron Wolves Doctrine - Used for the Asheara's Vestments Set

Drops from Deceiver Magi. Confirmed from:
- Act 2, Dahlgur Oasis, Ssthrass

Kethrye's Spirit - Used for Kethrye's Splint, Bracers

Source unknown.

Living Flame - Used for Cinder Switch, Two-handed Axe

Drops from Morlu Casters. Confirmed from:
- Act 4, The Silver Spire Level 2, Sao'Thall (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 4, The Silver Spire Level 2, Rhau'Kye (rare spawn)
- Act 4, Radiant Chapel, Malfeas the Abhorrent

Lyekurn’s Diary - Used for Corruption, Shoulders

Drops from Azmodan.

Maghda's Tormented Soul - Used for the Cain's Destiny Set

Drops from Maghda.

Mystical Source - Used for the Sage's Set

Drops from Midnight Sparkle, a Unique Pony in Whimsyshire.

Phial of Weakness - Used for Atrophy, Wand

Drops from Heralds of Pestilence. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, The Battlefields, Deadgrasp (rare spawn)
- Act 3, The Battlefields, Handible (spawns during the "Triage" event)

Quaking Vial - Used for Sunder, Two-handed Mace

Drops from Mallet Lords. Confirmed from:
- Act 4, Hellrift, Sledge
- Act 4, Hellrift, Hammermash

Rydraelm Tome - Used for Mantle of the Rydraelm, Chest Armor

Drops from Fallen Shamans. Confirmed from:
- Act 2, Dalguhr Oasis, Ashangu
- Act 2, Dalguhr Oasis, Bashiok (rare spawn)

Shard of Entsteig Plate - Used for the Aughild's Dominion Set

Drops from Enraged Phantoms. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Defiled Crypt, Lord Dunhyld (spawns during "The Matriarch's Bones" event)
- Act 1, Festering Woods, Feklar's Ghost (rare spawn)
- Act 2, Unknown Depths, The Archivist (rare spawn)

Shattered Core - Used for Devastator, One-Handed Mace

Drops from Sand Dwellers. Confirmed from:
- Act 2, Forgotten Ruins, Ancient Guardian
- Act 2, Unknown Depths, Rockgut (rare spawn and bounty target)

Shimmering Quill - Used for Unbound Bolt, Bow

Source unknown.

Shuddering Demon Bone - Used for Archfiend Arrows, Quiver

Drops from Morlu. Confirmed from:
- Act 4, Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier, Kao' Ahn (rare spawn)

Skelon's Dice - Used for Skelon's Deceit, Pants

Drops from Oppressors. Confirmed from:
- Act 4, Gardens of Hope 1st Tier, Torchlighter (rare spawn)

Skull of Raylend - Used for Helm of Rule, Helm

Drops from Colossal Golgors. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, The Keep Depths Level 2, Bholen (bounty target)

Sydyru Bone - Used for Sydryu Crust, Bow

Drops from Bats. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Cathedral Level 1, Glidewing (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 1, Fields of Misery, Sicklefang (spawns during the "Carrion Farm" event)
- Act 3, Unknown Depths, Hellscream (rare spawn)

Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood - Used for the Guardian's Jeopardy Set

Drops from Demon Troopers. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, Stonefort, Bashface the Truncheon (rare spawn)
- Act 3, Stonefort, Dragus
- Act 3, The Keep Depths Level 2, The Crusher (rare spawn)
- Act 3, Rakkis Crossing, Busaw (spawns during the "Crazy Climber" event)

Torn Soul - Used for Living Umbral Oath, Ceremonial Knife

Drops from Khazra Shamans. Confirmed from:
- Act 1, Southern Highlands, Lorzak the Powerful (rare spawn and bounty target)
- Act 1, Southern Highlands, Skehlinrath (spawns in the Khazra Camp that has two entrances, in the upper left corner of the map)

Urn of Quickening - Used for Kethrye’s Splint, Bracers

Drops from Lacuni Huntresses. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, Caverns of Frost Level 2, Chiltara (rare spawn)

White Oak Splinter - Used for Rozpedin's Force, Daibo

Source unknown.

Wooden Stake - Used for Blitzbolter, Hand Crossbow

Source unknown.

Woven Plate - Used for Piro Marella, Chest Armor

Drops from Skeletal Shieldbearers. Confirmed from:
- Act 3, The Keep Depths Level 1, Captain Donn Adams (rare spawn)


likadk  好贴!  发表于 2014-1-2 05:05
已有 5 人评分 收起 理由
桥先生 + 10 喜闻乐见
sun4363 + 10 必须顶起!
daniellove + 10 辛苦了,希望中文版上了以后给一个中文翻译.
乐乐爱乔 + 10 圣光笼罩着你
DIVA + 10 喜闻乐见

总评分:  + 50   查看全部评分




多谢楼主 这些材料折腾的蛋都碎了
发表于 2013-12-30 05:12:56 |只看该作者 来自:美国



发表于 2013-12-30 10:09:45 |只看该作者 来自:山东



发表于 2013-12-30 10:26:00 |只看该作者 来自:中国台湾



发表于 2013-12-30 10:40:12 来自凯恩之角App |只看该作者 来自:美国



发表于 2013-12-30 11:13:49 |只看该作者 来自:中国台湾



三千院鱼 发表于 2013-12-30 10:09


发表于 2013-12-30 11:21:50 |只看该作者 来自:四川



非常感谢 分享~
发表于 2013-12-30 15:44:47 |只看该作者 来自:吉林




发表于 2013-12-30 15:53:54 |只看该作者 来自:浙江



LZ,Forgotten Soul除了分解装备,能打出来吗?我太缺了。
更多图片 小图 大图
发表于 2013-12-31 13:02:05 |只看该作者 来自:江西



打出材料 就相当于多了附魔的材料,也是很开心的一件事。
发表于 2013-12-31 13:36:12 |只看该作者 来自:浙江



一直有点烦 发表于 2013-12-31 13:02
LZ,Forgotten Soul除了分解装备,能打出来吗?我太缺了。

发表于 2013-12-31 15:26:59 |只看该作者 来自:四川



发表于 2013-12-31 17:58:45 |只看该作者 来自:江苏
27=4 28=4 29=2 30=2 31=0 32=0 33=0



RAVEN1233 发表于 2013-12-31 15:26

发表于 2014-1-1 13:48:17 |只看该作者 来自:江西



371250634 发表于 2013-12-31 17:58

直接对照 那个ACT3  或者4  去3关或者4关,然后有传送点名字,你对着英文名字去找传送点,然后到了传送点,再对着上面的名字去找那个英文名字的怪,就可以了

发表于 2014-1-1 15:30:29 |只看该作者 来自:四川
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