



发表于 2009-4-1 21:10:04 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览 来自:天津
原帖:http://forums.battle.net/thread. ... 930&sid=3000#76

Q u o t e:
But take a look at everything all at once from my point of view. I'll try to be as accurate at possible, from start to finish.

I played WoW and D2, aside from lich king expansion.

Granted the Art style is irvine-ish which is not bad just not as realistic a feeling anyone was expecting for diablo. Then came all the copy and cut things from WoW. For example the guys that summon the fat mini-boss are in fact undead in robes from WoW. Then there was the gargoyle incident. Then there was the petition incident which had a lot of good points. Now there is rage for the barbarian, which makes no sense at all because this is not even a mmo. I see a lot of skills that puts limitations on the characters of sanctuary which is not a good thing. For example the wizards destruction ray I think its called (the red beam) And in the wizards talents you can only use this if your at 100% mana I think it was or something or other? Again I'll say this is not an mmo. They were not going to let bodies stay around, not even blood... until someone actually mentioned that which well frankly I can't fathom that they forgot it considering its diablo but I guess that for fixed at least. Then comes the skilltrees that are quite frankly direct copy and pastes from WoW. Glow on weapons in trailer, copy and paste. The first U.I Was copy and paste. Hm what else... I guess they at least tried purple items as uniques but even they realized that was too much I guess lol. So you take all that into consideration from someone that has not playing the game and looks at graphics that are frankly wowish because yes its irvine. And well, it kinda starts looking like WoW if you know what i'm saying. They fix stuff sure but the more WoW things that are released the more headaches your probably going to get man.

PS: If I played the D3 demo I would have soiled myself too. Anyone would have.

Ok... I'm like 90% sure you're trolling now.


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