



本帖最后由 Nephalem_Lsj 于 2014-8-1 17:28 编辑

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发表于 2014-8-4 12:01:27 |显示全部楼层 来自:湖北



Recorded History


Circa - 2300 Anno Kehjistani - The Dawn of Civilization

大约在公元前2300 卡基斯坦尼 文明的曙光

Recovered tablets, pottery fragments, and otherartifacts indicate that writing, art, and science had by this time become anintegral part of humanity’s culture. The majority of scholars, myself included,agree that this date marks the rise of the first great human civilization. Thiskingdom was known as Kehjan (now modern-day Kehjistan).

在复原石碑、陶器碎片、和其他工艺品的著作中表明,那时的艺术和科学已成为人类文化中的一个组成部分了。包括我在内的大多数学者均认可这一时期,是第一个伟大人类文明崛起的标志。这个王国被称之为凯吉安 (既是今日的卡吉斯坦)。

Circa – 2200 Anno Kehjistani – Formation of the Mage Clans

大约在公元前2200 卡基斯坦尼 法师部族的形成

Records show that the cultures around Kehjanformalized the study of the arcane sciences. This in turn led to the formationand growth of numerous mage clans.
  How many ofthese clans existed remains something of a mystery, but it should be noted thatthe Vizjerei would make the largest impact on history in the centuries to come.This clan’s school of thought revolved around the arts of conjuring, summoning,and communing with spirits.


Circa – 2100 Anno Kehjistani – Ascendancy of the Mage Clans

大约在公元前2100 卡基斯坦尼 法师部族的盛行

The increasingly powerful mage clans became afixture in Kehjan’s government. An organization composed of members from eachof the major clans – the Al’ Raqish, or Mage Council – was formed to rulealongside the kingdom’s monarchy and trade guilds.


-1992 Anno Kehjistani – Sanctuary Revealed

公元前1992 卡吉斯坦尼 圣休亚瑞的曝光

Overcome with frustration and rage at the loss ofhis family, a little-known Vizjerei sorcerer named Jere Harash summoned thefirst demon into Sanctuary. His fellow mage clan members quickly perfected thisdark art, establishing demonology and the enslavement of Hell’s minions as thebasis of their power.

Ofgreater importance, however, is that Harash’s act alerted the Burning Hells toSanctuary’s existence. It was at this terrible moment when the Prime Evilslearned of mankind and its potential to be used as a weapon against theHeavens. Thereafter, the Lords of the Burning Hells began formulating a deviousplan to corrupt humanity.

  Mark this date well, dear reader. Nearly allthings that come afterward are, at least in some small way, a consequence ofHarash’s reckless summoning.


-1880 Anno Kehjistani – The Temple of the Triune

公元前1880 卡基斯坦尼 - 三合教的寺庙

The influence of Prime Evils pervaded the lands ofKehjan through a seemingly noble organization: the Temple of the Triune. Thiscult was based on the worship of three benevolent deities (who, in fact, wereactually the three Prime Evils in subtle guises). The Triune posited thatthrough selfless worship and devotion, the cult’s wondrous deities couldimprove life. In time, the religion’s numbers swelled.


-1820 Anno Kehjistani – The Veiled Prophet and Cathedral oflight

公元前1820 卡基斯坦尼 蒙面先知与光明大教堂

Inarius, assuming the identity of a figure named theProphet, emerged to combat the Triune’s burgeoning influence. To do so, heformed a separate faith called the Cathedral of Light. This religion wasfounded on the tenets of tolerance, cooperation, and unity.
  In time,both the Cathedral of Light and the Triune achieved immense influence over thepeople of Kehjan.


-1809 Anno Kehjistani – The Sin War

公元前1809 卡基斯坦尼 原罪之战

An ideological battle between the followers of theTriune and the Cathedral of Light erupted, polarizing Kehjani society. So beganwhat is known as the Sin War.
  Understandthat this was no mere religious struggle. The entire conflict was a proxy warbetween the Prime Evils and Inarius for the very souls of mankind.

Unbeknownstto either the Prime Evils or Inarius, the demoness Lilith had returned toSanctuary to protect her children from the Triune and the Cathedral of Light.She awakened the nephalem powers in a man named Uldyssian ul-Diomed, who wenton to do the same for other humans. These individuals-called the edyrem-wagedwar against the Triune and the Cathedral of Light, for they saw bothorganizations as the source of Kehjan’s strife.

  These battleproved catastrophic, drawing armies from the Burning Hells and the High Heavensto the mortal world. Uldyssian unleashed the full fury of his might, drivingback the invading armies of angels and demons. But in doing so, he alsorealized that the untamed nephalem energies were threatening to destroy theworld. So it was that he sacrificed his life to re-attune the Worldstone,thereby ridding humans of their budding nephalem powers.
  It is vitalto note here that the Heavens deliberated on mankind’s ultimate fate. The finalvote, cast by Archangel Tyrael, is what spared us from extermination. Followingthis, the angels brokered an unlikely truce with the Lords of the Hells. Insummation, both sides agreed that they would not further interfere with thelives of humans.
  The memoriesof the edyrem were then erased, and lies were crafted to hide the truth of thenephalem, angels, and demons from the rest of mankind. But some would remainaware of the dark era that was the Sin War. It is through their stories, passeddown from generation to generation, that we know the truth of this catastrophicconflict.
  What ofLilith? During the war, Inarius had again banished her from Sanctuary. I haveseen no evidence of her return. As for Inarius, the angels gave him to thePrime Evils as part of the pact between Heaven and Hell. It is said he sufferedeternal torment thereafter.


-1799 Anno Kehjistani – The Golden Age of Magic

公元前1799 卡基斯坦尼 魔法的黄金时代

Believing that the Sin War was merely a clash offaiths, the majority of Kehjan’s populace turned away from religion. Indeed,the people even went so far as to rename Kehjan to Kehjistan as a means todistance themselves from the terrible conflict.
  More andmore, the people looked to the mage clans for guidance, for they had alwaysplaced reason and practical research above all else. A golden age of magic andenlightenment unfolded, an age of wonders unlike anything the world had yetseen.
  Certainmembers of the clans remained aware of the truth behind the Sin War, and rulesand regulations were imposed that strictly forbade the art of demonology.


-264 Anno Kehjistani – Prelude to the Mage Clan Wars

公元前264 卡基斯坦尼 法师部族战争的序幕

This golden age waned when the other mage clans cameto a chilling discovery: the Vizjerei sorcerers were continuing the outlawedpractice of demonology. This revelation sparked a series of covert assassinationsand political intrigue aimed at stripping the Vizjerei of their power. Thesemachinations slowly ate away at the heart of the mage clans.


-210 Anno Kehjistani – The Mage Clan Wars

公元前210 卡基斯坦尼 法师部族的战争
Following an increase in hostilities between themages, bloodshed erupted in the streets of Kehjistan’s major cities. Thisviolent tide surged into an all-out war pitting the Vizjerei against theirrival clans. It is said that spectacular battles flared across the kingdom asthe era’s preeminent mage unleashed the full fury of their powers against oneanother.


-203 Anno Kehjistani – Bartuc and Horazon

公元前203 卡基斯坦尼 巴特科与赫拉森

Pushed to the brink of annihilation by the otherclans, the Vizjerei unleashed their last desperate weapon: demons. Wielding theminions of Hell, the sorcerers obliterated their enemies, driving them backbehind the walls of the empire’s ancient capital, Viz-jun.
  It was thenthat disaster struck. The Vizjerei’s Ruling Council dismissed one of its mostformidable members, Bartuc, for acts of depravity. This infamous figure, also knownas the Warlord of Blood, turned against his own clan and ignited civil war.
  A terriblebattle ensued between the sundered halves of the Vizjerei clan at the gates ofViz-jun. Bartuc’s brother, Horazon, emerged to strike down his ruthlesssibling. Although he succeeded in vanquishing the Warlord of Blood, the costwas unimaginable. The battle reduced the capital to smoldering rubble, killingtens of thousands in the process.
  So endedthis dark and terrible conflict. So ended the reign of the mage clans. Brokenby the war, they would never again rise to such heights of power and glory.


发表于 2014-8-4 18:57:43 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



好长  对于一个文盲来说 这工程 太庞大
发表于 2014-8-4 19:20:24 |显示全部楼层 来自:河北



发表于 2014-8-7 00:22:59 |显示全部楼层 来自:广东



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-8-7 13:41 编辑

0 Anno Kehjistani – Akarat and the Zakarum Faith

公元元年 卡基斯坦尼 阿卡拉特与萨卡兰姆信仰

The untold death and suffering wrought during theMage Clan Wars pushed mankind away from the arcane sciences. The passage ofcenturies saw humans once again explore faith and religion as a source ofmeaning and purpose. A number of religious figures arose during this era, butthere is one in particular who merits attention: Akarat.
  In themountains of Xiansai, this wandering ascetic saw visions of what he claimed tobe the angel Yaerius. From this encounter, Akarat formulated his ideas aboutthe inner Light within all humans. Every man and woman, he claimed, was boundtogether in a spectrum of cosmic radiance that was the foundation of existenceitself.
  His ideasformed the core tenets of what would become known as the Zakarum faith. Akaratspread his teachings and garnered the support of a small band of followers, butfor the next thousand years, his philosophies would flounder in obscurity.


964 Anno Kehjistani – The Dark Exile

公元964 卡基斯坦尼 黑暗放逐

Believing the Prime Evils had abandoned the EternalConflict in favor of corrupting humanity, the Lesser Evils waged a catastrophicwar against their superiors. The uprising, led by Azmodan and Belial, rockedthe Burning Hells to the core. Following a violent series of engagements, theusurpers banished the Prime Evils to Sanctuary.
  I often wonder how Diablo and his brethrenreacted upon reaching the mortal realm. It is entirely possible that, for atime, they cursed their fates. However, I am of the belief that the Prime Evilsquickly saw their exile as an unexpected and fortuitous chance to corrupt thehearts of mankind. So it was that they began turning brother against brotherand nation against nation, fomenting unrest throughout Kehjistan.


1004-1010 Anno Kehjistani – The Hunt for the Three

公元1004年至1010 卡基斯坦尼 猎捕三恶

Having secretly watched the mortal world forcenturies, Archangel Tyrael learned of the Prime Evils and their machinations.Understand, dear reader, that he did not directly oppose the demons, for hefeared his actions would alert the Heavens to what was transpiring onSanctuary. Tyrael knew that if such an event occurred, the angels might verywell decide to exterminate mankind once and for all. And so Tyrael forged theHoradrim to serve as his hand in the mortal world, a secret order composed ofmembers from the disparate mage clans.
  Tyraelbestowed upon the Horadrim three crystalline soulstones (supposedly cleavedfrom the Worldstone itself). He tasked the great mages with a perilous mission:to hunt down the Prime Evils and imprison them within the recesses of thesoulstones.
  First, themage captured Mephisto in one of Kehjistan’s sprawling urban centers. Thedemon’s Sapphire Soulstone was given to the humble Zakarum order forsafekeeping.
  Next, theHoradrim harried Baal and Diablo across the Twin Seas and into the westernlands. In the deserts of Aranoch, they confronted the Lord of Destruction.Although the mages prevailed against the demon, Baal’s Amber Soulstone was leftshattered.
  The order’sleader, Tal Rasha, selflessly used his own body to contain the Lord ofDestruction’s raging essence. So it was that, with heavy hearts, the Horadrimsealed away their noble leader within a subterranean tomb.
  In the wakeof this tragedy, Jered Cain took leadership of the bruised and battered mages.Together, the Horadrim struck out to imprison the last of the Prime Evils:Diablo.


1017 Anno Kehjistani – The Building of Travincal

公元1017 卡基斯坦尼 崔凡克建筑

The Zakarum began constructing Travincal, afortified temple complex in Kurast that would house Mephisto’s wretchedsoulstone. The enormous undertaking brought sudden notoriety to the order andsparked immense interest in Zakarum teaching. Indeed, in a matter of months,throngs of Kehjistan’s downtrodden masses flocked to Travincal to lend theiraid. It is rumored that the temple’s construction was finished in just over ayear.
  Inhindsight, it is easy to see why interest in the faith took hold so quickly.Corruption and intolerance had eaten away at the foundations of society, andthe common folk found inspiration and hope in the Zakarum’s tenets ofself-empowerment and equality.



发表于 2014-8-7 13:39:18 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-8-7 18:06:47 |显示全部楼层 来自:广东



工程量很大 楼主加油
发表于 2014-8-10 10:13:37 |显示全部楼层 来自:内蒙古



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-8-10 13:19 编辑

1019 Anno Kehjistani – The Fall of Diablo

公元1019 卡基斯坦尼 - 暗黑破坏神的陨落

Led by Jere Cain, the Horadrim tracked Diablo to Khandurasand defeated him in a battle that nearly cost them their lives. They buried theLord of Terror’s Crimson Soulstone in a labyrinthine cave system near the riverTalsande. The Horadrim who remained in Khanduras (including Jered) built asmall monastery and a network of catacombs over the burial spot.


1025 Anno kehjistani – The Founding of Tristram

公元1025 卡基斯坦尼 崔斯特姆的兴建

The Horadrim in Khanduras settled the land neartheir monastery and founded the quaint village of Tristram. In the years thatfollowed, the town attracted farmers and settlers from the surrounding region.


1042 Anno Kehjistani – Rise of the Zakarum Church

公元1042 卡基斯坦尼 萨卡兰姆教宗的崛起

Despite the capture of the Prime Evils, Kehjistanisociety remained in a dire state, plagued by famine and disease. Commonersincreasingly viewed the ruling elite as the cause of their ills. Rebellion waspoised to tear the empire asunder.
  It was atthis critical point that a new Kehjistani emperor, Tassara, converted to the populist(and increasingly influential) Zakarum faith. In doing so, he gained theadoration of the masses and strengthened his hold over the region.
  Zakarumbecame the dominant religion in Kehjistan. The empire’s capital was moved fromancient Viz-jun to Kurast. Tassara worked to codify the faith’s beliefs andelect the first Que-Hegan-the highest divine authority of the religion. At thisdate we begin to see records describing Zakarum in terms of an organized andstructured church.
  Over thenext three years, Tassara’s budding popularity was overshadowed by that of hischildhood friend: the famous military general and zealous Zakarum convertRakkis. After defeating a group of renegade nobles who sought to overthrow thechurch, the general became a legend among the masses. It is said that Rakkisused his burgeoning influence to replace government officials with Zakarumarchbishops, thereby upsetting the balance of power in the region.


1045 Anno Kehjistani – Rakkis and the Western Campaign

公元1045 卡基斯坦尼 拉基斯和西征

Wary of Rakkis’s growing popularity, Emperor Tassaradispatched the general on a grand mission to spread the Zakarum faith to theuntamed lands of the west. Once the general and his most loyal forces had gone,the emperor secured his dominion over Kehjistan.


1045 Anno Kehjistani – The Crusaders and the EasternCampaign

公元1045 卡基斯坦尼 圣教军与东征

Around the time Rakkis departed Kehjistan, a clericby the name of Akkhan forged an order known as the crusaders. He sent them on amission to the east to seek out a means (however it manifested) to purify theZakarum faith. The impetus for this campaign stemmed from Akkhan’s belief thatthe church had strayed from the original teachings of Akarat.


1060 Anno Kehjistani – The Founding of Westmarch

公元1060 卡基斯坦尼 威斯马屈的兴建

After years of warring with the scattered tribes andcivilizations of the west, Rakkis ended his journey by founding Westmarch andbecoming its king. This nation was so named in honor of the general’s long andarduous campaign.


1080-1100 Anno Kehjistani – The Passing of the Horadrim

公元10801100 卡基斯坦尼 赫拉迪姆的消逝

All records indicate that around this time theHoradric monastery was abandoned and left to ruin. Tristram, however, continuedto prosper, although it would always remain a small settlement. Generations oftownsfolk would live and die there, completely unaware of the Crimson Soulstoneburied beneath them.
  By 1100, theHoradrim’s activities in other parts of the world had ceased. It appears thatthe order, with no quests left to undertake, had at last dissolved and fadedinto legend.

1150 Anno Kehjistani – The Zakarum Reformation

公元1150 卡基斯坦尼 萨卡兰姆宗教变革

A bold now Que-Hegan, Zebulon I, initiated asweeping reformation of the Zakarum Church. Rumor has it he did so inspired byvisions from Akarat himself. Zebulon urged the faith to align with its moreascetic and humble origins. This act was well received by the people, and itsparked a surge in independent worship, secularism, and mysticism.
  Note,however, that the orthodox archbishops of the Zakarum High Council viewed thisturn of events as a grievous erosion of the church’s power. Regardless, theywere unable to stop the tide of change due to Zebulon’s revered status withcommoners.


1202 Anno Kehjistani – The date ofDeckard Cain’s birth.


1225 Anno Kehjistani – The Zakarum Inquisition

公元1225 卡基斯坦尼 萨卡兰姆的异端审判

With the ascension of Que-Hegan Karamat, the ZakarumHigh Council fulfilled its long-sought goal to unravel Zebulon I’sreformations. The archbishops manipulated the church’s new leader intolaunching a strict system of worship that imposed harsh punishments onnonconformists. Missionary work took on increasingly martial overtones.
  This, dearreader, all culminated in the heinous Zakarum Inquisition. The church purgedvarious sects of the faith and brutally suppressed other religions, such asSkatsim.


1247 Anno Kehjistani – Order of Paladins

公元1247 卡基斯坦尼 圣骑士的使命

Unwilling to continue the inquisition’s terrible methods,a group of Zakarum paladins broke away from the church. They vowed that theirnew Order of Paladins would protect the innocent and fight the corruption thatdarkened the once-brilliant heart of their religion. These rebels ventured intowestern lands to begin their noble campaign.


1258 Anno Kehjistani – The Crowning of King Leoric

公元1258 卡基斯坦尼 李奥瑞克国王的加冕

At the behest of the Zakarum High Council, theKehjistani lord Leoric set out to govern the land of Khanduras. This decision,it seems, was due in large part to the urgings of a powerful archbishop namedLazarus.
  Theever-dutiful Leoric traveled to Khanduras and declared himself its king. Heconverted Tristram into the region’s capital and even transformed the crumblingHoradric monastery into a glorious Zakarum cathedral.
  It is vitalto note that Lazarus accompanied Leoric on this journey. Upon arriving inTristram, the archbishop secretly released Diablo from imprisonment. Indeed, itappears that this had been the archbishop’s goal all along. I believe he wasunder Mephisto’s influence before setting out for Tristram, where he then beganto serve Diablo.
  Once freed,Diablo subtly attempted to Leoric without success. I believe this occurred overa number of years, for Tristram experienced a period of peace and tranquilityunder its new king. Eventually, however, the Lord of Terror began strippingaway at the king’s sanity, sending the noble ruler into the depths of madness.


发表于 2014-8-10 13:17:57 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-8-10 17:19:54 |显示全部楼层 来自:重庆



发表于 2014-8-10 20:00:18 |显示全部楼层 来自:重庆
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