



发表于 2014-9-4 12:17:06 |显示全部楼层 来自:云南



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-9-4 18:29 编辑

The Templeof the Triune

* Leader: Lucion, the Primus (formerly)
* Base of Operations: Kehjan (formerly)
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Unknown (In ancient times, I believe thetemple’s followers would have numbered in the tens of thousands.)


* 领袖:路西安,高阶祭司普里默斯(已亡)
* 领地:凯吉安(已毁)
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:未知(在古代,我相信这个神庙的信徒是以数万记)

Nearly three millennia age, the Temple of the Triune(or Cult of the Three) arose in the sprawling empire of Kehjan. It was forgedby none other than the Prime Evils of the Burning Hells as a means to influencethe hearts of mankind. The cult revolved around the worship of three benevolentdeities-Dialon, the spirit of Determination (represented by a ram), Bala, thespirit of Creation (represented by a leaf), and Mefis, the spirit of love(represented by a red circle)-who were in reality Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto.It is said that the number three was used symbolically in the cult’sarchitecture and methods of operation. One need only look to the Triune’smilitary wing. The Peace Warders, for examples. They traveled in threes at alltimes, each member serving one of the cult’s seemingly compassionate deities.

Atthe apex of its power, the Triune fell to Uldyssian ul-Diomed and his fellowawakened nephalem, the edyrem. It is clear, however, that remnants of the cultpersisted long after this point. Confined to the shadows, they eschewed theTriune’s benevolent façade and preserved its vile secrets, faithfully awaitinga sign from the Prime Evils. I believe that the latest incarnation of theTriune is a group calling itself the Coven (of which I wrote on earlier). Whetheror not other splinter groups of the cult still exist is a mystery, but I shouldthink they do. After all, the influence of the Prime Evils is not so easilypurged from the world of mortals.


TheThieves Guild

* Leader: Unknown (As with the assassins, the guildstrives to mask its leadership)
* Base of Operations: Westmarch and other regions of the west
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 300 (including all ranks)


* 领袖:未知(类似刺客教派,该公会努力隐藏其头领)
* 领地:威斯马屈和其他西境之地
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:300人左右(已含所有阶层)

The Thieves Guild arose in the years after Rakkisfounded the nation of Westmarch. Since that time, the criminal network hasspread to cities throughout the kingdom and beyond, delving into extortion,bribery, smuggling, murder, and all manner of illicit activities.

TheThieves Guild goes to great lengths to keep its inner workings a mystery tooutsiders. However, I have come to learn that the order usually recruits itsmembers from the poverty-stricken slums. These initiates train inpickpocketing, and those who show promise ascend in rank, much as a craftsmanwould in a legitimate trade guild. It should be noted that climbing the ladderof the guild’s hierarchy grants one increasingly lucrative-and dangerous-work.



* Leader: Trade Consortium Council
* Base of Operations: Caldeum
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 10,000 (including common merchants)


* 领袖:贸易联盟议会
* 领地:卡尔蒂姆
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:10000人左右(包括普通商人)

Many mercantile guilds exist throughout Sanctuary,but one-Caldeum’s Trade Consortium-is of particular interest to me. Throughwar, through famine, and through the passing of empires, this order has enduredand flourished. I believe part of the consortium’s strength comes from itsinclusionary methods. The order’s leaders do not fight the winds of change;they embrace them. This is evidenced by their decision to allow the greatZakarum cathedral Saldencal to be built within Caldeum. Later, the consortiumconstructed the Yshari Sanctum, a center of arcane studies. These two actsalone have won the consortium many allies among the Zakarum faithful and mageclans. More recently, Kehjistan’s late emperor Hakan I declared Caldeum hisseat of power. Rather than resist this sudden turn of events, the consortiumdeftly maneuvered through the mire of politics and managed to retain itsinfluential status in the city.



* Leader: Que-Hegan Dirae
* Base of Operations: Saldencal, Caldeum
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 50,000


* 领袖:.黑刚高阶祭司迪赖
* 领地:卡尔蒂姆,萨登科
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:50000人左右

Who, living today, does not know of the Zakarumfaith? Who has not seen its loyalists preaching of the inner Light or of thefounder, Akarat, from the cobblestone streets of Westmarch to the windingbazaars of Caldeum? Dear reader, in the last few centuries, this organizationhas impacted the world in fundamental and far-reaching ways. This is remarkablebecause the order began as nothing more than a humble group of ascetics. Intime, these believers garnered the power to forge nations and raise emperors tothe throne.


Recently, the Zakarum Church has lost much of itsinfluence. The discovery that Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, had corrupted thehighest echelons of the faith-the Que-Hegan and High Council-nearly destroyedthe organization. The church has since moved from Kurast to Caldeum. Under theLeadership of a new Que-Hegan named Dirae, the Zakarum faithful are nursingtheir wounds and mending their reputation.


In closing, I should note that the Zakarum faith inWestmarch has distanced itself from the church in Kehjistan (especially afterthe revelation concerning Mephisto). Indeed, the western kingdom has becomeincreasingly secular in recent years, but groups influenced by the Zakarumfaith, such as the Knights of Westmarch, still exist.


Hand of Zakarum 萨卡兰姆之手

I consider the years of the Zakarum Inquisition tobe one of the darkest periods of history. Initiated by the church, this brutalcampaign of conversion spread paranoia and fear throughout the lands ofKehjistan. Nonbelievers were judged as corrupt and subjected to horrificinterrogations and “purification” techniques. A group of paladins known as theHand of Zakarum acted as the vanguard of this heinous crusade. Although some ofthese holy warriors would later break away from the church, may more propagatedthe horror of the inquisition until the movement finally faded away.


发表于 2014-9-4 17:53:58 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津





囧灰的joker  头像略屌。魔山之握  发表于 2014-9-4 18:27
发表于 2014-9-4 18:10:47 |显示全部楼层 来自:江西



Figures of Interest


Jacob Staalek, a mortal ofincredible resolve and virtue.
Deckard Cain detailed his life laterin this section.


Abd al-Hazir


Abd al-Hazir is a historian and seeker of knowledge.He is considered by many to be one of the preeminent scholars of Caldeum, and fora number of years he taught in the city’s most renowned academies. This rise tofame is quite impressive considering that the man was born into abject poverty.I heard that recently, Abd set off to journey the world and document its myriadpeoples, creatures, and lands.




Akara is the spiritual leader of the Sisters of theSightless Eye, a soft-spoken, inscrutable, and wise woman. I believe she ispracticed in the secret and closely guarded ways of using the Sightless Eye, anincredible artifact from the Skovos Isles.


Akarat (deceased)


Countless legends exist concerning Akarat, founderof the Zakarum Faith. The simple truth, however, is that his origins and lifeare a mystery. Even the circumstances of his death are shrouded in hearsay. Itis said that after he spread his teachings in Kehjistan, he disappeared intothe east and was never seen again.


Alaric (deceased)


According to the Booksof Kalan, Alaric was from one of the first nephalem generations. He and hiscompanions lived in what was once a grand temple in Khanduras (the ruins ofthis place, known as the Drowned Temple, exist to this day). After theWorldstone was altered and the nephalem powers dwindled, Alaric and hiscompanions were beset by a cunning and duplicitous demon named Nereza. I am notfully aware of the circumstances or outcome of this conflict, but there arelegends that the ghosts of Alaric and his allies still roam the shattered hallsof the Drowned Temple.





Ardleon ranks among Archangel Tyrael’s boldestfollowers, During one of the many battles of the Eternal Conflict, thisindomitable angel forged into a sea of demons before finding himself lostbehind enemy lines. He only narrowly escaped death at the hands of his foeswhen Tyrael intervened to save him. Side by side, the two angels cut throughthe seething ranks of the Burning Hells to reach the Heavenly Host.


Ps. The Heavenly Host在国外的wiki百科之中指的是,高阶天堂的天使军团。



Asheara spent many years as a member of variousunscrupulous mercenary outfits. Despising the brutal tactics employed by thesegroups, she eventually forged the Iron Wolves, an order of sellswords thatholds honor and duty above all else. I know Asheara to be strict with herfollowers, but also evenhanded.




The cunning demon Astrogha is one of Diablo’s mostloyal minions. From my investigations, it appears this venomous multi-leggedfiend has been summoned to the mortal realm at least twice: first by the Triuneduring the Sin War; second by a necromancer named Karybdus in the modern era.As to Astrogha’s current fate, I have heard accounts that the vile creature wasbanished into the depths of mysterious artifact known as the Moon of theSpider.


Bartuc (deceased)


It is difficult to believe the stories of Bartuc,the Warlord of Blood … difficult to believe how a man could lose himself insuch a deep abyss of depravity and barbarism. The histories state he was aVizjerei mage practiced in the dark arts of summoning demons and unleashingthem in battle. Indeed, he relished in embracing the powers of the BurningHells without thought for the consequences.

Bartucbecame infamous for his gruesome ritual of bathing in the blood of his enemies.If the Vizjerei accounts are true, this act infused the mage with incrediblepowers. It is even said his armor drank deep of the spilled blood, attaining amalevolent sentience of its own.

TheWarlord of Blood’s hubris and lust for genocide drove him to wage a terriblecivil war against his own vizjerei clan. His bloody rampage was ultimately putto an end when he was slain by his brother, the mage Horazon.


发表于 2014-9-5 13:50:57 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



Benu (deceased)


I find the beliefs and ways of the umbaru people whoinhabit the Teganze jungle endlessly intriguing. One recent story recounted tome concerning this culture’s spiritual warriors, the witch doctors, is about anindividual named Benu. It is said this young man bravely sacrificed himself toslay a demon of anguish that had assumed the guise of a fellow umbaru. Somewitch doctors claim that ever since this event, the spirit of Benu haswhispered to them from beyond the grave, passing one sage wisdom and guidance.




When she was very young, the barbarian Charsi andher parents were ambushed by a throng of murderous Khazra. The mother andfather managed to hide their child away in the surrounding wilds before thegoatmen ruthlessly slaughtered them. Quite by chance, members of the Sisters ofthe Sightless Eye later found Charsi and took her into their care. She has beena member of this organization ever since, using her immense physical strengthto forge the order’s weaponry and armor.



Covetous Shen


In recent years, I have heard rumors of a wanderingjeweler who is currently searching for a gem known as the jewel of Dirgest.These tales refer to the individual as Covetous Shen, an elderly man hailingfrom the northern lands of Xiansai. What I find most perplexing is that anumber of historical records-some of them from centuries ago-tell similarstories. Each account relates a wizened old man from Xiansai hunting forDirgest’s jewel.





It is said that Azmodan, the Lord of Sin, commandsseven powerful lieutenants. Among them is Cydaea, the Maiden of Lust. Vizjereiwritings depict her as Azmodan’s favored servant, a demoness who is bothexquisitely beautiful and nightmarish to behold. She inhabits the Lord of Sin’spleasure palace, reveling in blurring the lines between pleasure and pain,ecstasy and utter torment.


Emperor Hakan II


Born to an impoverished family in the far north, theyoung boy Hakan II now sits on the throne as emperor of Kehjistan. You may askyourself how someone from such a low social standing attained such a loftyposition. The answer lies with the Zakarum. For some time, the priesthood hasheld power over deciding the empires’s succession of rulers. Through a seriesof secret rituals, the members of the church discovered Hakan II’s presence inthe north and determined that he would become Kehjistan’s newest emperor.


Belial later possessed Hakan II.
He used the boy to sow chaos inCaldeum before my allies vanquished him.


Emperor Tassara(deceased)

塔萨拉大帝 (已故)

Tassara lived in a time when wealth, power, andblood determined who would reign over Kehjistan. As such, he was carefullygroomed for the position of emperor from childhood. He studied the intricaciesof history and politics, all the while learning from the mistakes of hispredecessors. Indeed, it can be said he was one of Kehjistan’s greatest rulers.Tassara initiated many reforms in his day, such as making Zakarum the empire’sofficial religion. For that act alone, he is revered by the church.




Fara was once a devout paladin of the Zakarum. Upondiscovering that evil had taken root in the church, she abandoned her order andsettled in Lut Gholein. I met her there, toiling under the scorching desert sunas a blacksmith. Despite this drastic change in lifestyle, Fara still holdsfast to the teachings of the Zakarum founder, Akarat, believing they are pureand noble regardless of the Church’s corruption.



Farnham (deceased)


I remember Farnham in his better days-a jovial andwell-spirited resident of Tristram. When King Leoric’s youngest son, PrinceAlbrecht, went missing, Lazarus rallied Farnham and many other residents toventure into the cursed depths of the town’s cathedral and rescue the boy.Although Farnham returned with his life, he left his sanity and will to livebehind. Up until the day of his death at the hands of marauding demons, he slippedfurther into despair, finding solace only in heavy drinking.



Garreth Rau (deceased)


Garreth Rau was a brilliant scholar and one of thefinest bookmakers in all of Sanctuary. He possessed a natural affinity tomagic, one he honed under the tutelage of a Taan mage. Later in life, Rau ledthe First Ones, a group of young and valiant scholars who dedicated themselvesto carrying on the teachings of the original Horadrim.

Atsome point before these events, Belial took great interest in Rau and hisabilities. He shrouded the man’s thoughts and memories in a veil of lies,molding him into a puppet. Fueled by belial’s dark will, Rau conquered Gea Kulin the hopes of awakening an army of ancient sorcerers buried beneath the city.

Iworked to thwart Rau’s plans with a handful of brave individuals (even Leah wasby my side at the time), but his powers proved too great for us to standagainst. In the end, whatever humanity was left in Rau clawed its way throughBelial’s deception. Seeing the twisted pawn of evil he had become, the formerscholar chose to take his own life.


发表于 2014-9-5 13:55:26 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



Gharbad (deceased)


Most people consider khazra nothing more thanmindless beasts, but they can be cunning and manipulative creatures. One ofthem, Gharbad, attempted to win the trust of Prince Aidan and his allies amidthe Darkening of Tristram. Only later did the flea-bitten creature reveal histrue murderous nature, for which he was slain.




Ghom, the Lord of Gluttony, is one of Azmodan’sseven loyal lieutenants. His appetite is insatiable, and he is known to consumehis enemies as well as any demonic allies who stray too close to any of hisslavering maws. Noxious filth oozes from his every pore, emitting a stench sopowerful that it alone can choke the life from mortals.





Gillian was the barmaid of Tristram’s Tavern of theRising Sun. Her smile and kind words could brighten the day of the most sullenpatrons. After the Darkening of Tristram, the witch Adria invited her to thefamed city of Caldeum. The barmaid seized the opportunity to leave her ravagedhome behind and start life anew.

InCaldeum, Adria gave birth to Leah and left the infant in Gillian’s care.Thereafter, the witch disappeared, never to return. The years that followedwere hard on Gillian. When I finally met with her some years later, she was adifferent person. She was hollow. Cold. Distant. Dark voices had peeled away ather sanity, and she saw Leah as a dire threat.

Grippedin the throes of madness, Gillian attempted to murder Leah and me by burningdown her home in the night. Fortunately, all of us escaped the flamesunscathed. After this event, I took Leah into my care. I am sad to say thatGillian was beyond my saving. City guards locked her away in one of Caldeum’smadhouses.


Griswold (deceased)


Griswold came to Tristram a number of years beforeDiablo’s release, seeking a new place to ply his blacksmithing trade. When theLord of Terror’s shadow fell over the town, the burly man suffered a terriblewound while battling the demons beneath the cathedral, leaving him incapable offighting. Even so, Griswold did what he could to help Prince Aidan and hisallies scour evil from Tristram. In the end, the minions of the Hells slew theblacksmith and transformed him into a murderous undead terror.




When my companions ventured into the Burning Hellsto destroy the soulstone of Mephisto and slay Diablo, they claimed that anangel named Hadriel aided them. Who was this figure? Why did he appear in theHells? Personally, I believe Hadriel was a follower of Tyrael, specifically onewho had learned of the archangel’s involvement with Sanctuary. Following thisdiscovery, he came of his own volition to help my allies traverse the perilousand twisting pathways of the Hells. This, however, is mere speculation on mypart, for I have heard no other mention of hadriel in recent years.


Cain’s theories concerning myrelationship to Hadriel as well as the angel’s decision to aid the mortalchampions are correct.



Haedrig Eamon


I have found the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon a warm andcheery fellow. He reminds me somewhat of his grandfather, Chancellor Eamon, aman who served King Leoric amid the Darkening of Tristram. I should note,however, that Haedrig was in Caldeum during that horrific period of history.Only much later did he come to Khanduras and settle in New Tristram with hiswife and a promising apprentice. I am always surprised at the level of care anddetail he puts into his blacksmithing work, even for menial tasks. Indeed, heis a man of great talent with a bright future ahead of him.



发表于 2014-9-5 14:01:17 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-9-5 14:01:36 |显示全部楼层 来自:广东



Haedrig Eamon


I have found the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon a warm andcheery fellow. He reminds me somewhat of his grandfather, Chancellor Eamon, aman who served King Leoric amid the Darkening of Tristram. I should note,however, that Haedrig was in Caldeum during that horrific period of history.Only much later did he come to Khanduras and settle in New Tristram with hiswife and a promising apprentice. I am always surprised at the level of care anddetail he puts into his blacksmithing work, even for menial tasks. Indeed, heis a man of great talent with a bright future ahead of him.



Hephasto the Armorer


Hephasto is a paradox of the Burning Hells. Thehulking demon is a minion of Baal, and thus is driven by an overriding desireto destroy everything he touches. Yet at the same time, Hephasto possesses theability to create. He toiled in the fiery Hellforge, molding incredible weaponsto arm his demonic comrades for battle. I think, perhaps, he managed to channelhis destructive nature, fusing it into the armaments he forged. It is even saidthe brute took great pride in the knowledge that his creations would causeuntold death and carnage.
  Nearlytwenty years ago, a band of mortal champions struck Hephasto down whileinfiltrating the Hellforge. Some ancient Vizjerei texts claim that demons havethe potential to be reborn in their desiccated realm after death. If this istrue, I think it is possible the armorer of Hell will at some point in thefuture return.





Horazon was a mage of the Vizjerei clan, perhaps oneof the greatest who has ever lived. With regards to his philosophies aboutdemons, he believed in breaking their wills and subjecting them to his completedominance. Eventually, Horazon came to realize that the use of demons wouldbring about the downfall of all mankind.
  Followingthe costly Mage Clan Wars (a subject I touch on in other places) and histerrible battle with Bartuc, Horazon disappeared from society, crafting abastion called the Arcane Sanctuary, where he studied the secrets of thearcane. I do not know whether he is still alive, but considering the immensepowers Horazon had at his command, I believe he might have found a means toprolong his life.



Iben Fahd (deceased)


Iben Fahd was a skilled Horadric mage who hailedfrom the Ammuit clan. He was one of the brave individuals who infiltratedZoltun Kulle’s archives and helped dismember the mad wizard. According to theHoradric texts, Iben was given the gruesome task of hiding away Kulle’s head.




Let the tale of Izual stand as a reminder that evenangels, the embodiments of order, can be twisted to chaos by the powers of theBurning Hells….
  A trustedlieutenant of Archangel Tyrael, Izual was captured during an assault on theHells. Thereafter, the Prime Evils subjected the angel to horrific acts oftorture. It is even said that Izual relinquished secrets regarding the soulstonesto his demonic captors.
  Nearlytwenty years ago, when my mortal comrades forged into the Hells to do battlewith Diablo, they struck down the corrupted Izual. However, I often wonderwhether he will one day be reborn in the Hells, a cursed ability that otherdemons are rumored to possess.


Izual did return, called to servethe Prime Evil.
My allies defeated him in the HighHeavens, where he and I had once walked together as great friends.


Jacob Staalek


In recent years, I have heard stories of anindividual named Jacob, born and raised in the northern settlement of Staalbreak.The barbarian Owl tribe, infected by a demonic rage plague, repeatedlyassaulted the town and spread corruption among its populace. As the story goes,Jacob was forced to slay his own father, who had succumbed to the terribleaffliction. The young man was thereafter hunted for the crime of murder. Ultimately,he redeemed himself by vanquishing the foul demon responsible for the plague:Maluus.
  What I findincredible about this tale is that, at some point, Jacob took up Tyrael’slegendary Sword of Justice, El’druin. How did this come to pass? I can onlyassume that when Tyrael destroyed the Worldstone, his angelic blade was castoff and left unattended in the western lands. Whatever the case, clearly thisman must possess a righteous heart to successfully wield El’druin.


Jacob no longer carries El’druin. Isummoned the Sword of Justice to my side after returning to the High Heavens.



Jazreth (deceased)


During the Darkening of Tristram, the Vizjerei mageJazreth journeyed to my town, drawn by rumors of the demonic presence there.Battling Diablo’s minions bled whatever valor and restraint had once existed inthe man’s heart. Calling himself the Summoner; he set out to find Horazon’slegendary Arcane Sanctuary and pilfer its secrets for personal power.Fortunately, he perished while undergoing this quest.



Jered Cain (deceased)


Much of what I know concerning the Horadrim, demons,angels, and various arcana is due to the meticulous records handed down to meby Jered Cain. Oddly, I do not know very much concerning my ancestor’s earlylife. He was a great Vizjerei mage-that much is irrefutable. Some accounts alsosay he was troubled by a terrible event in his past what this was remainsunclear, but I believe that through the Horadrim, Jered might have found ameans to renew his purpose in life.
  At Tyrael’sbehest, my ancestor and his comrades embarked on an arduous quest-the Hunt forthe Three-to track down and imprison the Prime Evils. It was following thedefeat of Mephisto and Baal that Jered became leader of the Horadrim. Withwisdom and unyielding determination, he led his fellow mages in a horrificbattle against Diablo-a battle that ended with the Prime Evil’s capture in theCrimson Soulstone. It appears that Jered spent the rest of his days living inthe Horadric monastery near what would become Tristram.




Necromancers consider themselves the keepers of theBalance between the forces of the Burning Hells and the High Heavens. However,I have heard tales that one member of this order, Karybdus, went to dangerousextremes to pursue this ideal. Indeed, it is said he summoned the demonAstrogha into Sanctuary, although it is difficult to understand whatmotives-however noble-would drive him to commit such a heinous act.
  It appearsthat Karybdus’s fellow necromancers also viewed his choices as disastrous. Oneof them, a man by the name of Zayl, eventually imprisoned both Karybdus andAstrogha in a strange artifact known as the Moon of the Spider.




Kashya commands the martial forces of the Sisters ofthe Sightless Eye. I have witnessed her prowess myself and consider her one ofthe greatest archers the order has ever produced. In addition, I know Kashya topossess an unequalled genius in strategic and tactical matters.





Ever since the destruction of Mount Arreat, thebarbarians have been a troubled and wayfaring people. There are many, however,who still strive to live with purpose and honor. I know the man named Kehr tobe one of them. He stands watch over the Iron Path, a mountain road north ofKhanduras plagued by khazra attacks. Under Kehr’s unwavering vigilance, theroute has become a safe passage for all travelers.



发表于 2014-9-5 14:06:37 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



Khelric (deceased)


Khelric was the mighty barbarian chief of the Owltribe. At some point (and the sources differ on when) the demon Maluuspossessed this proud warrior and used him to spread a vile demonic rage plague.A young man named Jacob Staalek, armed with Archangel Tyrael’s Sword ofJustice, ultimately vanquished Khelric in single combat. By that time, Maluushad warped the barbarian chief’s body into a horrific seething vessel of purehatred.


Korsikk (deceased)


Korsikk was the son of Rakkis and the second king ofWestmarch. During his reign, he ordered the construction of the great Bastion’sKeep as a means to thwart barbarian aggression in the north. Korsikk latergathered his forces and boldly set out to do what even his father could not:crush the barbarian tribes once and for all. It is said that the king died anignoble death on this campaign, struck down by his hated foes.


Lachdanan (deceased)


I remember Lachdanan with fondness. He was arighteous man, captain of King Leoric’s army. When Tristram’s monarch succumbedto Diablo’s influence, Lachdanan slew his liege, seeing no other means to sparethe town from the rising tide of darkness.
  The captainand his closest allies buried the king beneath Tristram’s cathedral, but whathappened next is something of a mystery. It is said Leoric rose from the deadas the skeleton King and cursed Lachdanan and his comrades. Thereafter, thecaptain resolved to wander the cathedral’s subterranean catacombs to the end ofhis days rather than spread the evil that gnawed at his heart among theinnocent townsfolk of Tristram.


Lazarus (deceased)


There are times when I awake in the dead of nightplagued by nightmares of Lazarus. What can I say of this despicable man? He wasan archbishop of the Zakarum Church, and I believe he was one of the firstmembers of the faith to be irrevocably corrupted by the Prime Evils. Lazaruswas a great orator, and he used this skill to win Leoric’s trust. Indeed, thearchbishop was instrumental in convincing the man to undertake the journey toTristram and proclaim himself the king of Khanduras.
  Once inTristram, Lazarus released Diablo from his Crimson Soulstone, setting intomotion a chain of events that would lead to the deaths of countless innocents.Prince Aidan later struck down the archbishop, but to this day I wonder howmany lives I could have saved if I had seen through Lazarus’s guise of benevolenceand wisdom.




Every so often, I hear of a promising new studentaccepted into Caldeum’s Yshari Sanctum. Li-Ming, a young woman from Xiansai, isperhaps the most recent of these individuals. She is said to possess an almostin satiable appetite for arcane knowledge and an incredible affinity to magic.I only hope that, as the years wear on, she also learns to use her vast powerswith restraint and wisdom.





Lucion is the ill-begotten son of Mephisto. Unlikehis sister, Lilith, he served his father without question (or, at least, heappeared to do so). At the behest of the Prime Evils, Lucion came to the Worldof Sanctuary and forged the Triune, a seemingly benevolent cult that, inreality, aimed to turn the hearts of mankind to darkness. Mephisto’s son thentook on the role of the cult’s spiritual leader, calling himself the Primus.
  It should benoted that Lucion assumed a mortal guise for this task. Indeed, the Books of Kalan describe him as acharismatic and wise man with a voice so soothing it bordered on the hypnotic.Only later, when the nephalem Uldyssian ul-Diomed and his followers assaultedthe Triune, did Lucion reveal his true demonic form. Yet even the demon’simmense powers could not withstand the might of the nephalem army.




A storm of dark rumors and lies swirls around Maghdaand her origins. I know she is practiced in the arts of witchcraft, and I knowalso that she leads the Coven, a cult that has carried on the traditions of theTriune. There is nothing she would not do-no one she would not sacrifice-toappease the Lords of the Burning Hells. Beyond these unsettling facts, the woman’spast remains a mystery.


发表于 2014-9-5 14:18:14 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



Malic (deceased)


During the era of the Sin War, the human Malic fellunder the sway of the Prime Evils. He became a loyal member of the Triune,rising to the lofty position of high priest. For his dedication, the Lords ofthe Burning Hells granted Malic unnatural longevity and other gifts. The Books of kalan state that, outwardly, hewas a handsome and physically intimidating man. But beneath this façade, Malicwas withered and grotesque.
  Amid the SinWar, he was flayed alive by the demoness Lilith, who had manipulated the nephalemin the guise of a mortal named Lylia. I find Malic’s fate a fitting end to aman who shrouded himself in a veil of lies to deceive so many innocent people.




I consider Maluus to be a servant of Mephisto, butthis is something of conjecture on my part. What I know, however, is that thedemon came to the world of Sanctuary sometime after the Darkening of Tristramand spread a plague among the barbarian tribes. It is said that merely touchingMaluus’s blood was enough to blind a mortal with murderous rage. A young humannamed Jacob Staalek ultimately vanquished the demon, casting the creature andthe foul plague back into the roiling pits of the Hells.




Mendeln was the brother of Uldyssian ul-Diomed.According to one account I have found, he befriended the legendary nephalemRathma and, through this wise being’s teachings, became a necromancer.Recently, I made a startling discovery concerning this man-he was also known asKalan, the enigmatic figure who authored the Books of Kalan. I do not know when this change in name occurred, orthe reasons for it. I am, however, in debt to Mendeln for the knowledge he haspassed down through his tomes.




I met Mikulov during my investigation of Garreth Rauand the First Ones (a subject I have written on elsewhere). This brave man isone of Ivgorod’s monks, a spiritual warrior molded into a living weapon throughyears of harsh and unrelenting training. During the course of his studies,Mikulov learned of a prophecy that stated the Horadrim would play a vital rolein an impending battle-one that would pit the living against the dead. Thischilling discovery spurred the monk to seek me out, for he believed that I hadsome part to play in forestalling this dark fate.
  The simpletruth, however, is that Mikulov did far more to spare the world from thisprophecy than me. Without this fearless monk at my side, both Leah and I wouldhave perished at the hands of Rau and his barbarous servants. I owe Mikulov mylife, and I hope that a day may come when I can repay the debt.




Recently, I learned of a man named Morbed, a formerthief said to have a mysterious lantern (one, I might add, that he keepsshackled to his wrist). It is said this individual can wield abilitiespossessed by necromancers, wizards, crusader, and even druids. I find it hardto believe that one man could have command over such diverse forms of magic,but I do not question that Morbed exists. indeed, I have heard a number oftales about him wandering the lands of Sanctuary, lending aid to those in need.As to his motivations, it seems he helps others as atonement for some terriblesin in his past.


Ps.有关莫德的故事请参看《暗黑破坏神3 莫德》小说

Moreina (deceased)


Amid the Darkening of Tristram, a cowled and shadowyfigure arrived in the town to battle the forces of the Burning Hells. Her namewas Moreina, and she was one of the highly skilled rogues from the Sisters ofthe Sightless Eye. When at last evil had been purged from Tristram, this bravewoman ventured back to her order. But she carried something dark with her-asilent madness that ate away at her once noble heart. Assuming the name BloodRaven, she fell into league with the Lesser Evil Andariel and assaulted herfellow rogues before finally being killed.



发表于 2014-9-5 14:22:40 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津





Natalya once belonged to the Viz-Jaq’taar, theshadowy group of assassins tasked with hunting down renegade mages, in recentyears, it appears that she has abandoned her order to take up the cause of thedemon hunters, a cadre of warriors dedicated to eradicating the minions of theBurning Hells from the lands of Sanctuary.



Nihlathak (deceased)


Nihlathak was a respected figure among thebarbarians and a member of the Council of Elders. When Baal began his bloodymarch toward Mount Arreat, this circle of venerated leaders gathered to decideon what course of action to take. They chose to cast an ancient and dangerouswarding spell that would shield the town of Harrogath, the last settlement thatstood between Baal and the summit of Arreat. All members of the council diedduring this selfless act.
  All, thatis, except Nihlathak.
  Over thecourse of Baal’s march through barbarian lands, Nihlathak had grownincreasingly distressed. He had watched his people die, watched his lands beirrevocably tainted by the marauding armies of the Hells. Ultimately, hebelieved that only by making a pact with Baal could the barbarians survive theordeal. So it was that Nihlathak gave Baal the Relic of the Ancients, alegendary artifact needed to bypass Arreat’s defenses and reach the summit, inexchange for sparing the town of Harrogath.
  Although hismotivations may seem noble, the fact is that through this act, Nihlathakallowed Baal to corrupt the Worldstone, setting off a chain of events thatwould end with Arreat’s destruction. Nihlathak himself, twisted by evil afterforging his foul agreement with Baal, met his end before the mountain wasdestroyed.


Nor Tiraj (deceased)


The Vizjerei mage Nor Tiraj was one of the mostprolific scholars of the Horadrim. He is referred to as an acolyte in manyplaces, which leads me to believe that he was not one of the original membersof the order. From what I have gathered, he remained in Khanduras following theHunt for the Three, living out his days by adding to the region’s greatHoradric library alongside my ancestor Jered Cain.



Norrec Vizharan


I first learned of the treasure seeker andsoldier-for-hire Norrec Vizharan during a trip to the city of Westmach. There,a fellow scholar related the man’s story. Vizharan, under the employ of aVizjerei mage, apparently stumbled across the cursed armor of Bartuc, theWarlord of Blood. Upon donning the pieces, the treasure seeker was overcomewith a lust for death, and he turned against his own companions. I do not knowhow many people Vizharan killed while struggling against the armor’s malevolentinfluence, but my colleague claims that he eventually managed to free himselffrom the curse.


Ogden (deceased)


Ogden was the proprietor of Tristram’s Tavern of theRising Sun, a warmhearted man whom nearly all of the town’s populace considereda friend. Tragically, both he and his loving wife, Garda, perished while tryingto save others from a wave of demons that descended on Tristram.


Ord Rekar (deceased)


Ord Rekar was a proud and respected member of thebarbarian Council of Elders. I considered him the foundation of theorganization, the embodiment of its wisdom and strength. Rekar gave his ownlife when he and his comrades cast the great warding spell to protect Harrogathfrom the advancing demonic armies of Baal.




I met Ormus on the docks of Kurast nearly twentyyears ago. He had a strange manner of speaking. One that my own comradesattributed to insanity. I , however, suspect that Ormus is a wise andincredibly gifted mage. His spellwork revealed him to be a member of the Taan clan,which focuses on the use of divination, scrying, and other abilities rooted inold Skatsimi mystical rites.



Pepin (deceased)


Pepin was one of my closest friends in Tristram. Hewas a caring man who had long studied the arts of medicine and healing. He putthese skills to great use amid the Darkening of Tristram, saving many lives. Ilater witnessed Pepin’s death at the hands of demons. I will not repeat thehorrific details here. Suffice it to say the images are branded into my mind,and I fear they will haunt me until the end of my days.



Pindleskin (deceased)


I first heard of the skeletal terror Pinleskin duringBaal’s assault against Mount Arreat. Since then, I have struggled to finddetails concerning what this creature was. The account I find most interestingrelates to a famous barbarian chief. Centuries ago, the Kehjistani generalRakkis invaded the lands surrounding Mount Arreat. His armies clashed with thebarbarian tribes and were turned back, but not before inflicting considerabledamage. The chief of the Bear tribe-a man of incredible physical strength-wasone of the victims. I believe Pindleskin was the remains of this mightybarbarian leader, pulled from the grave by the foul magic that pervaded Baal’sarmies.


Quov Tsin (presumeddeceased)


Quov Tsin was a mage of the Vizjerei clan who soughtout the legendary city of Ureh. Incredibly, it appears he found this locationand met with its reclusive ruler, an individual named Juris Khan. There is nomention, however, of Quov ever returning from his journey. As such, I assumethat at some point he perished in the fabled halls of Ureh.




The fallen are despicable and violent creaturesdriven by wanton destruction. According to Vizjerei accounts (and myobservations), they rarely ever travel alone. They are pack creatures, and assuch, certain fallen inevitably rise to dominant positions among their respectivegroups. Perhaps the most famous is Rakanishu, a particularly brutal fallen whois feared and respected even by his own barbaric kind.


Rakanoth, the Lord ofDespair


The demon Rakanoth is a master of torture who onceruled over the Plains of Despair in the Burning Hells. It is said he servedAndariel, the Maiden of Anguish, before shifting allegiances (but whom he answersto now remains a mystery). Certain Vizjerei tomes state that Rakanoth was thewarden of the captive angel Izual. For many long years, he subjected hisprisoner to excruciating and otherworldly forms of torture.


As with Izual, the Prime Evilsummoned Rakanoth to his side during the assault on the High Heavens


发表于 2014-9-5 14:33:56 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津





The tireless farmer Rumford is one of the manyrespectable individuals I have met in New Tristram. He seems a humble andintroverted man, but I think there is more to him than that. I have heard thathis ancestor was one of Rakkis’s most loyal lieutenants, a charismatic soldierwho eventually settled in Khanduras. Due to this lineage, I believe the bloodof a leader runs through Rumford’s veins, whether he realizes it or not.


When I fell to Sanctuary and thedead rose from their graves, Rumford valiantly sacrificed his own life toprotect the people of New Tristram.


Sankekur (deceased)


Sankekur occupied the seat of the Que-Hegan, thehighest divine authority of the Zakarum Church. As such, it is safe to say hewas once the most powerful living mortal in all of Sanctuary. Thousands offanatical worshippers answered to his every beck and call. At some point duringhis reign, Sankekur succumbed to the influence of Mephisto. The Lord of Hatredlater overtook the Que-Hegan completely, twisting the man’s body into ahorrific demonic visage.




Shanar is one of the rebellious students of arcanemagic known as wizards. I first heard her name through the stories of JacobStaalek (whom I write on elsewhere). It appears that at one time, she set outto study the nature of the Crystal Arch and the presence of angelic resonanceson Sanctuary. Her investigations ultimately led her to the resting place ofTyrael’s lost sword, El’druin. The energies pervading the fabled artifactimprisoned her until Jacob finally arrived to take up the blade. Thereafter, thewizard allied with the young man, but I know nothing concerning her motivationsfor doing so, or whether she has continued her studies of the Crystal Arch.



Tal Rasha (deceased)


As with my ancestor Jered Cain, details concerningTal Rasha’s origins are somewhat difficult to come by. Many accounts of hislife exist, but what am I to take for fact? In some cases, he is described asan Ammuit mage, one of the clan’s greatest masters of illusion. Other accountsstate he was Vizjerei or even Taan. What is irrefutable, however, is that hewas a valorous man, which is perhaps why Archangel Tyrael chose him to lead theHoradrim during the Hunt for the Three.
  Tal Rashaproved his bravery when the order clashed with Baal in the deserts of Aranoch.Amid the battle, the Lord of Destruction’s Amber Soulstone was shattered.Selflessly, Tal Rasha decided to use his own body as a means to contain theLord of Destruction. At their leader’s behest, the Horadrim imprisoned Baal inthe largest shard of the crystal and then plunged it into Tal Rasha.Thereafter, the mages sealed him in a subterranean tomb beneath the shiftingdesert sand.
  Nearly threecenturies later, Diablo liberated Baal from his prison. At that time, I believethere was nothing truly left of Tal Rasha beyond the withered husk that hadonce been his body.




The demon hunters are a relatively new order, formedin the wake of Mount Arreat’s destruction. Nonetheless, I have heard storiesconcerning a number of this organization’s members and their noble quest topurge Sanctuary of demonic influence.
  Recently, atraveler passing through New Tristram told me of one noteworthy demon hunter bythe name of Valla, a Westmarch native. It appears the minions of the BurningHells slew her family when she was only a child. This harrowing event changedher forever, driving her to seek vengeance against all demons. In one instance,she tracked down and vanquished an insidious creature that had twisted thethoughts of children, spurring them to murder their friends and family. It issaid that during this encounter, Valla’s mind briefly merged with her demonicfoe. I cannot imagine what horrors she witnessed as a result, but the fact thatshe emerged victorious clearly illustrates her incredible and aptitude forslaying the creatures of Hell.


Ps. 维拉来自于《暗黑破坏神三》的一部短片故事《憎恨与戒律》。而游戏《风暴英雄》中可以玩到这个角色。



The caravan master Warriv has been to exotic localesthat I have only read of in books. I had the opportunity to travel with himafter the fall of Tristram, although we later went our separate ways. I oftenwonder how the years have treated him. I consider him a trustworthy ally, and Ihope this travels one day lead him back to Khanduras so that we can meet andspeak again.



Wirt (deceased)


Wirt was a well-mannered boy who lived with hismother, Canace, in Tristram. After Diablo’s release, demons abducted the childand dragged him into the charnel house beneath the town’s cathedral. Theblacksmith Griswold risked his life to save Wirt, but not before the boy’s legwas devoured by Hell’s minions. The child’s demeanor darkened considerablyfollowing that event. Like nearly all of Tristram’s residents, young Wirt waslater killed by a throng of ravenous demons.





Xazax is cunning and manipulative demon who servesBelial, the Lord of Lies. It is said that a wayward sorceress by the name ofGaleona summoned the mantis-like fiend into Sanctuary for one task: to retrievethe cursed armor of Bartuc, the Warlord of Blood. Fortunately, I have not heardany accounts the Xazax succeeded in this dark quest or that he still walks themortal realm.





By all accounts, the necromancer Zayl is anunwavering adherent to the philosophies of his order, tirelessly working toensure that the powers of neither the Hells nor the Heavens hold too much swayover the mortal realm. It appears he is also a well-traveled and learnedindividual, for stories tell of his exploits from the lost city of Ureh to thekingdom of Westmarch. In each of these cases, it seems he has worked to thwartthe efforts of persons delving into demonic-or other dark-arts.
  It is saidthat Zayl possesses a number of strange and powerful artifacts. Among them is askull, to which is bound the spirit of a mercenary named Humbart Wessel.Communing with spirits is a common practice among necromancers, but usuallythese interactions are short-lived. I find it interesting that Zayl keeps theskull and its spirit among his possessions.



发表于 2014-9-5 14:38:34 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



Zebulon I (deceased)


Zebulon I was one of the great Que-Hegans of Zakarumhistory. He initiated a set of sweeping reforms that leeched away some of thechurch’s immense power and gave more freedom of worship to the common folk ofKehjistan. According to some historical accounts, Zebulon’s decision came aboutafter he received visions from Akarat, the legendary founder of the Zakarumfaith.




Mikulov spoke to me of how Ivgorod’s holy warriors,the monks, each hold a certain god as his or her patron. He was especiallyfascinated by one of the order’s youngest members, Zhota, who aligned himselfwith Ymil, the god of the rivers, emblematic of emotion, intuition, andlife-giving properties. It appears this decision is somewhat rare among themonks, many of whom prize the strength and resolve attributed to deities suchas Zaim, the god of the mountains, and Ytar, the god of fire.
  I would not,however, attribute Zhota’s choice to weakness by any stretch of theimagination. I have recently come to learn that his master is a man named Akyevthe Unyielding. By all accounts, he is one of the strictest and mostunforgiving monks in Ivgorod. Many initiates have been gravely injured (and,according to some rumors, even died) due to his brutal training methods. ForZhota to have endured all of his master’s tests leads me to believe he is anincredibly resourceful and resilient individual.



发表于 2014-9-5 14:45:21 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津





Horadrim,I now bequeath to you this tome and the knowledge herein. Add to it. Make ityour own. Use it as a foundation upon which to build a glorious new Horadriclegacy.


  I do notknow what the future holds for us, or what harrowing circumstances we will beforced to contend with. Some of you will remain by my side in the times to come.Others, I may send on tasks to the far corners of the mortal realm and beyond.


  But whateverwe face, however divergent our paths become, know that we all stand together asHoradrim. The order is what binds us as one. It is what gives us new purposeand allows us to transform into something far greater than individuals.


  We aremortal, our lives brief flashes of light in the span of eternity. But throughthe Horadric knowledge we pass on, through the choices we make to uphold theorder’s tenets, we may transcend the ephemeral nature of our existence. We maybecome beacons of hope and courage that continue burning long after we leavethis world.


  Tal Rasha,Jered Cain, and the original Horadrim Knew this. Deckard and Leah knew this.Although they are gone, who among you does not still look to them for guidance?Who among you does not find pride in the sacrifices they made and the valorousacts they performed? They live on through us, unfettered by the limitations ofmortality.


  In each andevery one of your hearts is the same power-the same potential-that elevatedthese heroes to greatness. Find that place. Wield it as a light to guide youthrough the dark days that may lie ahead.


  And rememberalways that whatever comes to pass, I will stand with you.



you live among the shadows,
gaze into the dark chasms betweenworlds.
you bear this burden so that otherswill not have to,
because you are one of the few whocan. you are Horadrim, and your legacy
is not defined by riches or fame,
but by the very survival of mankind.
-From the writings of Jered Cain


发表于 2014-9-5 14:47:06 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津









发表于 2014-9-5 14:53:19 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津
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