



囧灰的joker 发表于 2014-8-17 15:40
1265 Anno Kehjistani – Caldeum Ascendant

公元1265年 卡基斯坦尼 历 – 新兴的卡尔蒂姆

发表于 2014-8-27 12:22:40 来自凯恩之角App |显示全部楼层 来自:北京



pipipikachu 发表于 2014-8-27 12:22
只是helped后面省略了宾语武僧而已,这里其实是一个断句点,相当于help+宾 ...

发表于 2014-8-27 14:16:44 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



囧灰的joker 发表于 2014-8-27 14:16
非常感谢,但是我还是没太明白,就是说我ps的部分是我多想了,其实就是武僧帮助莉亚和凯恩击败了劳的诡计 ...

发表于 2014-8-27 14:48:55 来自凯恩之角App |显示全部楼层 来自:北京



pipipikachu 发表于 2014-8-27 14:48

发表于 2014-8-27 16:09:06 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



相当给力啊亲 赞一个
发表于 2014-8-27 16:48:34 |显示全部楼层 来自:河北



发表于 2014-8-28 08:42:46 |显示全部楼层 来自:安徽



发表于 2014-8-28 08:53:04 |显示全部楼层 来自:北京



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-8-28 09:15 编辑
遗忘的鍅師 发表于 2014-8-28 08:53

发表于 2014-8-28 09:12:43 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-8-28 09:39:26 |显示全部楼层 来自:安徽



The Edyrem

* Leader: Uldyssian ul-Diomed (formerly)
* Base of Operations: Kehjan and surrounding regions (formerly)
* Standing: Inactive
* Number of Members: Est. 3,000 (formerly)


* 领袖:狄俄墨德之子乌迪贤(已故)
* 领地:凯吉安和周边区域(已毁)
* 状况:休止
* 成员数量: 3000人左右(已亡)

The edyrem, or “those who have seen,” were an orderof mortals whose nephalem powers flourished during the Sin War. Due to a lackof records, it is impossible for us to know precisely what kinds of abilitiesthese individuals wielded. It is safe to assume, however, that they would havesurpassed even the greatest mages of that era.

Theedyrem waged war against the Temple of the Triune and the Cathedral of Light,fearing that the influence of the two religions would destroy humanity. Afterthe Sin War, the edyrem’s powers were leeched away, and their memories wereexpunged. It is difficult to imagine these individuals returning to theirmundane lives as farmers and tradesmen after they had attained such incredibleheights of human potential.



* Leader: Tal Rasha (formerly), Jered Cain (formerly),Garreth Rau (formerly), Thomas and Cullen
* Base of Operations: Gea Kul
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 7-12 (formerly, original core members),now 10 (I base this current number on my last communication with Thomas andCullen.)


* 领袖:.拉夏(已故),杰瑞德.凯恩(已故),盖瑞斯.(已故),托马斯和和库伦
* 领地:吉库尔(已毁)
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量: 7-12人左右初代核心成员均已故去),现在约为10人(我是基于最后一次与托马斯和库伦联系后获知到如今这些人数的。


The ranks of the Horadrim now faroutnumber this old estimate.


Nearly three centuries ago, Archangel Tyrael forgedthe Horadrim, a band of preeminent mages that set out to imprison the threePrime Evils: Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal. The order succeeded in its grave andperilous task, but not without many sacrifices. Indeed, the mages were foreverchanged by the horrors they faced.

Nonethelessthey continued their work, documenting everything they knew or could learnabout the forces of the Burning Hells and the High Heavens. In the decadesfollowing the defeat of the Prime Evils, the Horadrim gradually faded away,leaving only their great legacy behind.

Itwas this legacy that I inherited generations later. As a caretaker of Horadricknowledge and a direct descendant of Jered Cain, I considered myself the soleliving member of the organization. My thinking on this changed when Idiscovered that a group of scholars in the city of Gea Kul had banded togetherto carry on the Horadric teachings. These individuals have dedicated themselvesto the order, and I believe that in the years to come they will accomplishfeats worthy of the original Horadrim.


Deckard wrote more about theHoradrim in the Book of Cain. I have compiled information concerning the newestincarnation of the order earlier in this tome.


The IronWolves

* Leader: Commander Asheara
* Base of Operations: Caldeum
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 550


* 领袖:艾希拉
* 领地:卡尔蒂姆
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:550人左右

Mercenary companies are notorious for their habit ofshifting allegiances, but the Iron Wolves are somewhat different. Although boldand reckless, they value loyalty and duty above all else. Their members arehardened veterans who excel in disciplines ranging from swordsmanship to thearcane sciences.

Afterthe fall of Kurast, the Zakarum Church hired the Iron Wolves to retrieveKehjistan’s new ruler, Hakan II, from his home in the northern reaches ofSanctuary. With the task complete, the Iron Wolves became the child emperor’spersonal guards. This single event has elevated the mercenary company to alevel of power and influence hitherto unheard of for an organization of itskind.


When corruption seeped throughoutCaldeum, Emperor Hakan II replaced the Iron Wolves with his personal Imperialguard. Asheara and her loyal soldiers nonetheless aided us in saving the city.


Mage Clans

* Leader: Master Valthek
* Base of Operations: Yshari Sanctum, Caldeum
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 500
(excluding those not affiliated with the Yshari Sanctum)


* 领袖:欧希克大师
* 领地:亚沙瑞圣所,卡尔蒂姆
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:500人左右

Of the myriad factions and orders in existence, Ibelieve it is the mage clans that have shaped mortal destiny the most. As Ihave written extensively on the history of these enclaves in other tomes, Iwill focus here on the status of the clans in the modern era.

Fivein particular remain notable: the Ennead, Ammuit, Vizjerei, Taan, and Zann Esu.For centuries following the Mage Clan Wars, the populations of theseonce-influential groups dwindled. This trend saw a reversal in recent years dueto the acts of Caldeum’s Trade Consortium. In seeking to make their city abeacon of learning, the mercantile rulers worked to unite the mage clans andbuild the great Yshari Sanctum. This wondrous academy, filled with a treasuretrove of arcana, has become a place of learning and growth for various clans. Ibelieve that the Sanctum stands as the greatest symbol of mage power and unitysince the golden age of magic.



发表于 2014-8-31 10:22:24 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-9-1 18:30:43 |显示全部楼层 来自:浙江




墨鱼Babylon 发表于 2014-9-1 18:30

发表于 2014-9-2 22:06:43 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-9-3 00:27:21 |显示全部楼层 来自:广东



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-9-3 11:24 编辑


* Leader: Deathspeaker Jurdann
* Base of Operations: Eastern Kehjistan
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 150


* 领袖:亡语者朱达安
* 领地:卡吉斯坦以东
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:150人左右

The necromancers, or priests of Rathma, are amisunderstood order, feared by many for their ability to interact with thedead. It was the legendary nephalem Rathma who taught morals this art ofbending the line between life and death. According to the books of Kalan, the patron of the necromancers also bestowed on hisfollowers a most vital task: to preserve the Balance between light and dark, therebypreventing both angels and demons from holding too much sway over humanity. Itis interesting to note that the first necromancers may have arisen during theSin War. A time when the mortal world was under grave threat from the HighHeavens and the Burning Hells.

Asto the inner working of the order, I know very little. The priests of Rathmalive in a vast subterranean city somewhere in Kehjistan’s eastern jungles. Thisisolation has spared them from the influence of other mage clans, allowing thenecromancers to develop wholly unique rites and arcane sciences. I brieflytraveled with a necromancer in the past. Through that experience I have come tobelieve that the priests of Rathma can be powerful and trustworthy allies tohave at one’s side in these uncertain times.



* Leader: Grand Marshal Elyas (formerly)
* Base of Operations: Westmarch
* Standing: inactive
* Number of Members: Est. 250 (formerly)


* 领袖:总指挥官利亚斯(已故)
* 领地:威斯马屈
* 状况:休止
* 成员数量:250人左右(解散)

Paladins are members of a martial wing of theZakarum faith, holy warriors trained to wield the powers of the Light inbattle. Of these righteous individuals, I wish to write of a specific groupknown as the Order of Paladins. During the dark years of the ZakarumInquisition (a subject which I elaborate on elsewhere), an enclave of paladinssplintered away from the church. They vehemently condemned the methods of theinquisition, vowing that they would no longer continue the legacy of bloodshed.Pledging to protect the innocent from all forms of evil, the valiant renegadesjourneyed to Westmarch, where they were embraced by King Cornelius. In recentyears, this order has merged with the Knights of Westmarch, a group of paladinsthat had already existed in the kingdom.



* Leader: Shared among the Patriarchs
* Base of Operations: Ivgorod
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: 9


* 领袖:族长之间共享
* 领地:艾格罗德
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:9

Maintaining balance between the forces of order andchaos is ingrained in Ivgorod’s ancient culture and beliefs. The kingdom’ssupreme governmental and religious rulers, the Patriarchs, are a reflection ofthis. In total, nine leader exist. Four are pledged to order, four are pledgedto chaos, and one remains neutral. Ivgorod’s religion-known asSahptev-venerates one thousand and one gods, and it is said that the Patriarchsspeak for these deities. As such, their will goes unquestioned by every man,woman, and child of the nation.

Regardingthe origins of the Patriarchs, ancient Sahptev scrolls claim that long ago thethousand and one gods chose nine humans to found and rule over what wouldbecome Ivgorod. The Patriarchs are believed to be the reincarnations of thosenine founders.



* Leader: High Priestess Akara
* Base of Operations: Eastgate Keep, Khanduras
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 40


* 领袖:高阶女祭司阿卡拉
* 领地:坎杜拉斯,东门要塞
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:40名左右

Rogues are members of a secretive guild callingitself the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. Among other things, they are renownedfor their unmatched skill with the bow and arrow. With this in mind, it maycome as no surprise that the rogue order was founded by amazons from the SkovosIsles, who are also famed for their adept use of ranged weaponry. Years ago, agroup of these warrior women splintered away from Askari society, taking withthem a wondrous artifact called the Sightless Eye. Legends hold that thisdevice is a most incredible artifact. According to some accounts, the SightlessEye grants one the ability to perceive details concerning future events. Other storiesrelate that the relic allows for communication between individuals across vastdistances.

TheSisters of the Sightless Eye eventually settled in Eastgate Keep, which hadfallen into abandonment after Rakkis founded the nation of Westmarch. There, theycontinued their own unique style of martial training. Focusing on bows. It issaid that the sisters recruited women from any walk of life who sought refugein the mountain fortress and a means to forge a new destiny for themselves.Around twenty years ago, the Lesser Evil Andariel exerted her influence overthe sisters, nearly breaking the order. They recovered from this tragic event,and the keep’s training grounds now hum once again with the sound of bowstringsand battle cries. I should note, however, that the fate of the Sightless Eyeitself remains unknown.




* Leader: No centralized leadership
* Base of Operations: Kehjistan
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 10,000


* 领袖:权力分散
* 领地:卡吉斯坦
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:10000人左右

I rely on the BlackBook of Lam Esen for much of my information about Skatsim. Prior to therise of the Zakarum Church, it was one of the most widely practiced religionsin Kehjistan. At its core, Skatsim is a unique blend of faith and mysticism.Practitioners perform certain rites to attain states of clairvoyance or toperceive past and future events. The followers of Skatsim strive for a highersense of being-a transcendence of self. Although the popularity of this faithhas waned over the centuries, its influence can be seen in the Taan mage clan,which shares many of the old religion’s practices.



* Leader: Unknown (although I have heard references tothe leader being called the “grand maester”)
* Base of Operations: Westmarch
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Unknown


* 领袖:未知(但是我听说领袖的名称被称之为“大学士”)
* 领地:威斯马屈
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:未知

The Templar order of Westmarch is something of anenigma to me. Some stories depict the organization’s members as formercriminals who have been given a chance to atone for their sins and walk thepath of righteousness. Other, more unsettling accounts paint the Templar ina much different light. If these rumors are to be believed, the order abductsinnocent citizens and subjects them to horrific torture, purging theirmemories and molding them into zealous adherents. I cannot corroborate any ofthese darker tales with facts, but the mere existence of them makes me fearfulof the group’s true intentions.


It appears this speculation isgrounded in fact. One of my comrades, a member of the Templar named Kormac,learned of his order’s heinous practices.


发表于 2014-9-3 11:09:35 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-9-3 16:59:06 |显示全部楼层 来自:安徽
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