



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-8-13 22:05 编辑

1263 Anno Kehjistani – The Darkening of Tristram

公元1263 卡吉斯坦尼 黑暗笼罩下的崔斯特姆

Increasingly deranged, Leoric began seeing enemiesin all places, even among his friends and allies. He ordered the execution andtorture of innocent townsfolk. The king also declared war on neighboringWestmarch, believing that the region was plotting against him. Along with anumber of loyal followers, Leoric’s eldest son, Aidan, departed for Westmarchto wage his father’s ill-begotten campaign.
  Lazarussecretly kidnapped Leoric’s youngest son, Albrecht, and presented him beforeDiablo. The Lord of Terror possessed the boy, twisting the prince’s body into amonstrous demonic form. Albrecht’s disappearance drove Leoric into an evengraver state of paranoia, and he lashed out against all those whom, in hismadness, he deemed responsible for his son’s mysterious fate.
  Westmarch’ssuperior armies crushed the forces of Leoric. Lachdanan, captain of the king’ssoldiers, returned from the disastrous conflict only to see his home inshambles. It was this brave and tragic man who finally slew Leoric, thereby puttingan end to the king’s reign. Thereafter Lachdanan and his comrades buriedLeoric’s body somewhere deep in the labyrinthine catacombs beneath Tristram.
  Demonscontinued terrorizing the people of Tristram. All seemed lost until Aidanreturned from Westmarch. Hoping to find his missing brother, the young warriorand his allies forged into the depths of the cathedral. During this harrowingjourney, Aidan was forced to strike down his own father, who had beenreanimated as the Skeleton King. The prince also vanquished Lazarus and anumber of fetid demons. Ultimately, Aidan slew Diablo, only to find that indoing so, he had also killed Albrecht.
  In the weeksthat followed, Aidan became increasingly distant and withdrawn. He soughtsolace from only one individual in all of Tristram-the witch Adria. I laterlearned the cause of Aidan’s troubles: in a courageous (albeit reckless) act tocontain Diablo’s essence, he had plunged the Crimson Soulstone into his ownbody.
  The sadtruth here is that Aidan would eventually succumb to the Lord of Terror’sinfluence. Known henceforth as the Dark Wanderer, he departed Tristram andventured east to liberate Baal and Mephisto. Adria left the town as well andtraveled to Caldeum, where she eventually gave birth to a daughter named Leah.
  As forTristram, demons returned to the town en masse and slaughtered the inhabitants.Indeed, there was no respite or salvation for these people, only death andsuffering. I survived this tragedy, though I was imprisoned by the foul minionsof the Burning Hells.


Nihlathak, the barbarian elder whohelped Baal bypass the guardians at mount Arreat’s summit, in large part, itwas due to his ill-begotten actions that I was later forced to destroy theWordstone.



Deckard Cain wrote of this nowinfamous barbarian and his foolish pact with Baal. I have included the text ina later section of this tome.


1264 Anno Kehjistani – The Dark Wanderer

公元1264 卡基斯坦尼 黑暗流浪者

Archangel Tyrael learned of the Dark Wanderer andhis plans. The Aspect of Justice confronted him in the tomb of Tal Rasha, butthe archangel was overcome by the combined might of the Wanderer and the newlyliberated Baal. The two Prime Evils imprisoned Tyrael in the ancient tomb.
  It wasaround this time that a band of heroes rescued me from Tristram. I helped themas best I could. Together we freed the rogue monastery of Eastgate Keep fromdemonic influence and then followed the Wanderer’s path to the tomb of TalRasha. There, we released Tyrael from his bonds and swiftly continued ourjourney.
  It isimportant to note here that during this time, my companions faced and defeatedAndariel and Duriel, for it appears that these Lesser Evils had decided to aidDiablo.
  The DarkWanderer eluded us at every step. He managed to free Mephisto within Travincal.It was then that the last vestiges of Aidan disappeared and Diablo took on amore fitting demonic form. He ventured into the Hells to muster his followers,while Baal set out to Mount Arreat, home of the Worldstone. Mephisto remainedin Travincal to continue asserting his influence over the Zakarum Church andits crazed followers.
  I cannotoverstate the momentous events that followed.
  Against allodds, my companions defeated both Mephisto and Diablo (the latter within thevery depths of the Burning Hells) and captured them within their respectivesoulstones. The heroes went on to sunder the crystals in the blisteringHellforge, thereby casting Mephisto’s and Diablo’ essences into what Ispeculate to be an otherworldly realm called the Abyss.
  In the wakeof this victory, my companions fixed their gaze on Baal. The Lord ofDestruction had begun rampaging toward the sacred summit of Mount Arreat. Youmust understand that from the moment of Sanctuary’s creation, this mountain hadacted as a protective shell around the World stone. It was this-the Heart ofCreation itself-that Baal planned to find and corrupt.

    黑暗流浪者的行踪飘忽不定,我们跟踪的每一步都落空了。他最终将困于崔凡克深处的墨菲斯托释放了。同时艾丹残余的肉身部分也就此消失殆尽,暗黑破坏神终于显出原形。它置身进入地狱召集他的追随者,随后   巴尔准备进军世界之石的所在地亚瑞特山,而墨菲斯托则留守在崔凡克,继续腐化萨卡兰姆教宗和它的狂热信徒们。

1265 Anno Kehjistani – The Lord of Destruction

公元1265 卡基斯坦尼 毁灭之王

Atop Arreat, my companions defeated Baal, but notbefore the demon had tainted the Worldstone with evil. Dear reader, understandthat by doing so, the Lord for Destruction had damned humanity to darkness. Ourfall to evil appeared inevitable.
  Only Tyraelknew of our terrible fate. Steeling himself, he cast his angelic blade,El’druin, into the Worldstone. The resulting explosion shattered the crystaland leveled Mount Arreat. I have come to believe even Tyrael was destroyedin the process.
  But it mustbe stated that this act, however catastrophic it was, thwarted Baal’s designsfor humanity.


This is true. It would take manyyears for my essence to rematerialize, thus allowing me to return to the HighHeavens.


发表于 2014-8-13 12:40:55 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



就等你更新了 辛苦辛苦 要是能更新快点就好了
发表于 2014-8-14 09:08:25 |显示全部楼层 来自:安徽



阿诺舒华#3714 发表于 2014-8-14 09:08
就等你更新了 辛苦辛苦 要是能更新快点就好了

发表于 2014-8-14 12:01:38 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



1265 Anno Kehjistani – Caldeum Ascendant

公元1265 卡基斯坦尼 新兴的卡尔蒂姆

Once it was revealed that demons controlled theZakarum Church, public opinion of the organization plummeted. Indeed, Kurastand Travincal had suffered greatly with the Dark Wanderer’s arrival in the cityand the events that followed.
  After aseries of deft political maneuvers, Emperor Hakan I moved the capital ofKehjistan to Caldeum and secured power there. It should be stated that this wasno easy feat. Powerful trade groups controlled much of Caldeum, and theemperor’s reputation had suffered in the wake of Zakarum corruption. But Hakanwas a brilliant diplomat, and he used his talents to forge alliances and gainthe respect of the city’s nobility.
  In the yearsthat followed, Caldeum also proved to be a sanctuary for the remaining membersof the Zakarum Church. These individuals flooded into the city to begin theirlives anew. It was at this time that Caldeum, which had always been animportant city, became perhaps the most powerful and influential urban centerin all of Sanctuary.


During this time, in the year 1272,Deckard Cain traveled to Caldeum and took Leah into his care.



1272 Anno Kehjistani – The First Ones

公元1272 卡基斯坦尼 第一教派

Long before I encountered them, a group of youngscholars discovered a hidden archive of Horadric texts in the city of Gea Kul.They brought these lost tomes before the famed litterateur Garreth Rau, who wasso amazed by the find that he took lead of the scholars and set out to reforgethe Horadrim. The members of this fledgling order became known as the FirstOnes. There was, however, a darker truth to Rau and his seemingly noble plans:he was beholden to the will of Belial, the Lord of Lies, Gradually, this manused his influence and power to transform Gea Kul into a warren of torture andhopelessness.
  With youngLeah at my side, I uncovered Rau’s ultimate goal while investigating rumors ofthe re-formed Horadrim. He planned to resurrect an army of fallen sorcerersentombed beneath Gea Kul-victims of a horrific battle waged during the MageClan Wars. Alongside the brave uncorrupted members of the First Ones andMikulov, a monk from the kingdom of Ivgorod, Leah and I helped bring Rau’sschemes to an end.



发表于 2014-8-17 15:40:29 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-8-17 20:47:38 |显示全部楼层 来自:山东



发表于 2014-8-18 10:54:31 |显示全部楼层 来自:安徽



很好看 顶起来!
发表于 2014-8-18 13:11:35 |显示全部楼层 来自:广东



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-8-20 19:03 编辑

1285 Anno Kehjistani – The Prime Evil

公元1285 卡吉斯坦尼 至恶之魔

After the fall of the Prime Evils, Belial andAzmodan plotted an invasion of Sanctuary. I broached this subject with theAngiris Council, but they did not heed my warnings. Therefore, I made mydecision to join the ranks of mankind as a mortal.


  When I fellto Sanctuary, my dissipating angelic powers roused the dead outside NewTristram, a settlement built near the remains of the old town. The ordeal leftme powerless to help the townsfolk defend their homes. No, salvation came froma different source: a brave mortal whose nephalem powers had awakened. Sadly,Cain fell during these events. His loss will be felt for many years to come.


  Togetherwith Leah, the nephalem, and other valorous mortals, I set out to Caldeum,where Belial had assumed the guise of a new emperor, Hakan II. Leah’s estrangedmother, the witch Adria, soon joined us. Her guidance led us to the BlackSoulstone, an incredible artifact that contained the essences of five of theseven Lords of the Hells. After capturing Belial and Azmodan, Adria had usbelieve that she would destroy the crystal, thus banishing evil from existenceonce and for all.


  The valiantnephalem defeated Belial in Caldeum, and the Lord of Lies was drawn into therecesses of the Black Soulstone. My companions and I then set out for ArreatCrater, where Azmodan had unleashed the legions of Hell upon the mortal world.


  Many liveswere lost. Many horrors were faced. While other mortals cowered, the nephalemforged onward, striking down Azmodan. As with Belial, the last demon lord wascontained within the Black Soulstone. A glorious victory lay ahead…. And thatwas when Adria unveiled her true allegiance.


  For at leasttwenty years, she had served Diablo. She had conceived Leah, whose father wasthe Dark Wanderer, for the sole purpose of acting as a vessel for the Lord ofTerror. Diablo consumed the essences of the other Lords of the Hells trappedwithin the Black Soulstone, thus becoming the Prime Evil. Possessing Leah’sbody, the terrible entity stormed the High Heavens and laid waste to theangelic realm.


  Atop thegreat Crystal Arch, the nephalem finally vanquished the Prime Evil and cast theentity from the Heavens. The black Soulstone, however, escaped destruction.Still roiling with the Prime Evil’s essence, it was placed in the care of theAngiris Council.


  This actmarked the beginning of a new era in the history of angels and mortals alike.But whether or not Diablo’s reign of terror had truly come to an end remained unclear.


With the passing of Deckard Cain, I havecontinued his work. Soon this task will fall to you, Horadrim.
Over these twenty years, Caindedicated his life to investingating the End of Days.

发表于 2014-8-20 12:34:05 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



发表于 2014-8-20 13:12:39 |显示全部楼层 来自:安徽



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发表于 2014-8-22 16:18:10 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



本帖最后由 墨鱼Babylon 于 2014-8-23 15:05 编辑
囧灰的joker 发表于 2014-8-22 16:18
Ps.暴雪针对职业设计来说,应该是遵循各类古典魔幻小说而来的,简单的分为法力、敏捷和力量,这一分类方式几 ...


发表于 2014-8-23 14:56:58 |显示全部楼层 来自:浙江




发表于 2014-8-23 15:09:38 |显示全部楼层 来自:江苏



墨鱼Babylon 发表于 2014-8-23 14:56
话说,NEC一派好像是拉斯玛,不是拉马斯。。。。顺便这一派怎么就邪教了,虽然这派基本已经行走在那边缘了 ...


发表于 2014-8-23 18:38:29 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-8-24 14:06 编辑

Factions of Sanctuary


*  Leader: QueenXaera
* Base of Operations: Temis, Skovos Isles
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 5,000 (fully trained soldiers of theamazon caste)


* 领袖:夏亚女王
* 领地:斯科沃斯群岛
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:5000人左右(亚马逊的种姓制度只属于训练有素的战士)

Ps. Temis在地图上没有这个地方,也可能是驻警防卫系统,总之没搞清楚是什么。

The amazons are an elite martial caste of the Askariculture. Tales of their almost preternatural skill with bows, javelins, andspears are well-known throughout Sanctuary. The highly trained members of thiscaste fulfill a range of duties, from defending the borders of their sun-drenched homeland, the Skovos Isles, to guarding the vast Askari merchantfleets that sail to the far corners of the world.

It should be noted here that the amazons are notmerely soldiers. They are bound to the matriarchal Askari government. Twoqueens reign over the Skovos Isles, one of whom heads the amazons. The othermonarch rules a caste of mystics and spiritual leaders known as the oracles.This has been the way of things since ancient times.


Ps. Caste这个词可代表社会地位、等级制度,这些词比较好理解,但这个词内包含着亚马逊文明的特殊性,世袭、独权、以及纯种的渴望的意思。所以还是改为比较晦涩的种姓制度这个词。

* Leader: Unknown
* Base of Operations: Unknown
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Unknown


* 领袖:未知
* 领地:未知
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:未知

Mystery shrouds the assassins (also known as theViz-Jaq’taar or Order of the Mage Slayers). The very name of their order iswhispered in hushed and fearful tones by those who practice magic. I have met afew of these assassins, but the truth is that I still know very littleconcerning the group’s rites, numbers, and leadership. What I am aware of,however, is this: after the disastrous Mage Clan Wars, the Vizjerei leaderscreated the Viz-Jaq’taar to watch over all sorcerers and hunt down any foolishenough to delve into demonology or other outlawed practices. To avoid thepotentially corruptive influence of magic, assassins were strictly forbiddenfrom directly wielding arcane energies. Instead, the members were instructed tohone their bodies into weapons and employ ingenious devices and enchanted trapsto match the powers of their sorcerous enemies.

    刺客这个宗派一直被神秘所笼罩着 (亦称为维兹-杰奇塔尔或法师杀手教团)。这个教团以使用熟练的魔法,在行动上悄无声息和恐怖色彩而闻名。我有幸见过几个这样的刺客,但说实话我仍然对这个组织的宗教仪式、人数和首领知之甚少。好在我了解他们的部分有:在经过灾难性的法师部族战争过后,维兹耶雷部族领袖们创建了维兹-杰奇塔尔教团,去监视并猎杀任何愚昧的深入钻研恶魔学识的巫师,以及其他非法的法术实践。为了避免被潜在的腐化所影响到,刺客是被严禁直接使用秘法能量的。取而代之的是,教团成员需以磨练自己身体化为武器,配合运用巧妙的体术和魔法陷阱来针对他们的巫师劲敌的法术。

* Leader: Varied (individual chiefs lead each tribe)
* Base of Operations: Mount Arreat (formerly)
* Standing: Active
* Number of tribes: Est. 32 (formerly)


* 领袖:多名(各族酋长自我统领本族)
* 领地:亚瑞特山(已毁)
* 状况:活跃
* 部族数量:32(已解散)

Once, there were numerous barbarian tribes, many ofwhich had existed since before recorded history. Each one traced its lineageback to the mighty nephalem Bul-Kathos. Each one sang epic sagas of its owngreat warrior ancestors. For millennia, these proud and indomitable tribeslived around Mount Arreat, a place considered sacred to the barbarian people.Indeed, despite whatever blood feuds or rivalries existed among the groups,they were all devoted to protecting the mountain.

Inthe year 1265, tragedy befell the mighty barbarians. Arreat was torn asunder ina catastrophic explosion, wiping entire tribes from existence. Ever since thatapocalyptic day, few barbarian enclaves have remained at the smoldering corpseof the mountain. Most have disbanded entirely, their members scattered likeleaves in the wind. It is said they search the world for a new purpose-a newvigil-to give their lives meaning.


发表于 2014-8-24 13:52:37 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津



本帖最后由 囧灰的joker 于 2014-9-3 11:23 编辑

Council ofElders

* Leader: shared among council members
* Base of Operations: Harrogath
* Standing: Inactive
* Number of Members: 13


* 领袖:在议会成员之间共享
* 领地:哈洛加斯(已毁)
* 状况:休止
* 成员数量:13

The Council of Elders (sometimes called the Eldersof Harrogath) was an order of venerated and sage barbarians. From passages Ihave found in the ancient Scéal fadatome, it appears this group came into being in the early days of the barbariancivilization. Over the generations, the council provided guidance to the myriadtribes that lived in Mount Arreat’s shadow. When Baal launched his assaultagainst the barbarians in 1265, nearly all the Elder sacrificed themselves tocast a protective barrier around the bastion of Harrogath. To fully appreciatethe council’s act, you must understand that Harrogath was Arreat’s lastdefense-the only place that stood between the Lord of Destruction and themountain’s sacred summit.

Onlyone Elder did not take part in this selfless act. His name was Nihlathak, and Ihave written of him elsewhere. Suffice it to say, Baal’s invasion brought anend to the Council of Elders. Now that the barbarian tribes are in disarray, Ido not know when or if the order will return.


The Coven
* Leader: Maghda
* Base of Operations: Unknown
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 500


* 领袖:玛格达
* 领地:未知
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:500人左右

Mark the Coven well, for it represents one of thegreatest threats to our world. I believe this depraved group to be an offshootof the ancient Triune. There are, however, some notable differences between thetwo. Unlike the old Triune, the Coven makes no attempt to hide its associationwith demons, its merciless torture methods, or its grotesque rituals. Secondly,I have suspicions that the Coven serves the Lesser Evils Azmodan and Belial,whereas the ancient Triune bowed to the will of the Prime Evils.

Thisis merely speculation on my part, but I feel it is important to write here.After all, the Lesser Evils very likely have sinister designs for our world,plans that may soon unfold. As such, we should watch the Coven’s activitieswith utmost scrutiny.


Based on my recent experiencesbattling the Coven, I believe its membership far exceeded Cain’s estimate.



* Leader: Akkhan (formerly); currently no centralizedleadership
* Base of Operations: None
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Est. 300-400


* 领袖:阿克罕(已故);目前没有统一的领导者
* 领地:
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:300-400人左右

The crusader order arose in the eleventh centuryAnno Kehjistani, a time when the world was undergoing fundamental changes. TheZakarum Church had become the dominant religion in Kehjistan. Rakkis had setoff on his grand campaign to the west. Amid these earth-shaking events, theZakarum cleric Akkhan began noticing subtle signs that darkness was eating awayat the heart of his religion. He formed the order in reaction to thisburgeoning corruption. The crusaders, holy warriors of incredible martialprowess and determination, traveled east to search for a means to purify theZakarum faith. Over two centuries later, this organization still exists, itsadherents unwavering in their desire to fulfill Akkhan’s charge.

Onesubject I feel it prudent to elaborate on here is why the order traveled eastspecifically. I myself believe that the crusaders’ destination was tied to thelife of Akarat, founder of the Zakarum faith. Some of the church’s moreapocryphal writings (such as the scrolls of Sarjuq) say the he was last seenwandering into the eastern lands beyond Kehjistan’s borders. I have no doubtAkkhan was aware of these stories. Perhaps he sent his followers to that cornerof the world in the hopes they would find some as yet undiscovered writings orrelics left behind by Akarat. This is mere speculation on my part, but I find itan adequate explanation for the course taken by the crusaders.


Ps. Apocryphal writings的直译是经外书卷,百度称这种书的解释是:天主教与基督教的圣经差异和多余部分为经外书。我估计有点像三国志和三国演义之间的区别。

See Deckard Cain’s more intricateaccount of this order, which I have included in the ‘Fate of the BlackSoulstone’ section.




* Leader: Greenwalker Ciódan
* Base of Operations: Túr Dúlra, Scosglen
* Standing: Active
* Number of Members: Unknown
(although I estimate that at least 500 high-rankingwarriors watch over and guide much of druidic culture)


* 领袖:绿野行者塞克丹
* 领地:.杜拉,索格伦
* 状况:活跃
* 成员数量:未知

Ps. 德鲁伊的领地索格伦位于仙塞跨海右侧那片沙漠的顶端区域,至于下文提到索格伦是个绿意盎然的森林却很难以理解,因为现在地图上这片区域已经是沙漠了。

The druids are a most intriguing order, a collectiveof warrior-poets who inhabit the verdant forests of Scosglen. They live by the Caoi Dúlra, a philosophy passed down bythe nephalem Vasily that exhorts oneness with the natural world. The druids areso tied to the land that they can commune with animals and even plants, callingon their aid in battle. I have witnessed these feats firsthand and know them tobe more than legend.

Froma young age, druids study their arts and hone their union with nature in greatstone towers (referred to as colleges) scattered among the emerald forests oftheir homeland. Despite their calm and reflective demeanor, the members of thisorder are not to be trifled with. As the stories go, they share common ancestrywith barbarians, and as such, druids possess immense physical strength. Theirunique school of magic also affords them incredible power. In fact, there are anumber of tales from the ancient days that speak of formidable Vizjerei Magesencroaching on Scosglen, only to be killed or turned back by the region’sfearsome druids.


发表于 2014-8-27 12:09:38 |显示全部楼层 来自:天津
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