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发表于 2012-3-1 16:06:29 |显示全部楼层 来自:北京
来源 diablofans d3db
整理和翻译 草莓@凯恩之角


You are approaching the Battle.net Balance limit of {s1} for accounts without a Battle.net Authenticator. - Shown in the Sell dialogs when the player selects an account that is close to the Soft Cap and has no authenticator attached.  
你在没有战网安全令牌的情况下到达了战网账户余额的{s1}的界限。- 在出售对话框里,玩家选择账户的时候可以看到软限制数额和是否绑定安全令牌。

Euros ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Euro)
欧元 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (欧元)
Pesos ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Mexican Peso)
比索 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (墨西哥比索)
Pesos ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Argentine Peso)
比索 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (阿根廷比索)
Australian Dollars ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Australian Dollar)
澳元 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (澳元)
Real ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Brazilian Real)
亚雷尔 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (巴西亚雷尔)
Pesos ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Chilean Peso)
比索 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (智利比索)
Singapore Dollars ({s1}) - Text shown in the Switch Currency dialog (Singapore Dollar)
新加坡元 ({s1}) - 显示在切换币种对话框内的文字 (新加坡元)

RewardTypeVanityTitle - Vanity Title
获得名誉成就种类 - 名誉成就。

ArchiveHardcoreHeroConfirmation - Are you sure you want to move {s1} to the Hall of Fallen Heroes?
记录专家英雄确认 - 你想要将该{s1}移至阵亡英雄大厅么?
DeleteHardcoreHeroTitle - Delete Fallen Hero
删除专家英雄标题 - 删除阵亡英雄
DeleteHardcoreHeroConfirmation - You may still archive this hero in the Hall of Fallen Heroes. Are you sure you want to delete {s1} permanently?
删除专家英雄确认 - 你可以在阵亡英雄大厅里访问这些英雄的资讯。你的确要永久删除{s1}么?
ReachedMaxNumOfFallenHeroesWarning - You have reached the maximum number of fallen heroes. Visit the Hall of Fallen Heroes and remove some heroes first.
阵亡英雄上限警告 - 你的阵亡英雄数量达到了上限。请前往访问阵亡英雄大厅页面并移除部分英雄。
HeroSelectCantArchiveHardCoreHeroDueToLevel - Fallen Heroes must be at least level 10 before you may save them to the Hall of Fallen Heroes.
该专家英雄因为等级无法册入 - 阵亡英雄必须达到最少10级才能记录进阵亡英雄大厅。

UndeleteFlow_RestoreHero - Restore Hero
反删除_恢复英雄 - 恢复英雄
UndeleteFlow_RestoreConfirmation - Do you wish to restore this deleted hero?
反删除_恢复确认 - 你想恢复这名被删除的英雄么?
UndeleteFlow_HeroLimitReachedTitle - Hero Limit Reached
反删除_英雄上限到达标题  - 到达英雄数量上限。
UndeleteFlow_HeroLimitReachedDescription - There is a 10 hero limit for every Diablo 3 account. To restore your deleted hero, you must replace an existing hero.
反删除_英雄上限到达描述 - 每个暗黑破坏神3账号里只能有最多10名英雄。要恢复被删除的英雄,若要恢复被删除的英雄将会替代一位已有英雄。
HeroSelectUndeleteHeroDescription - You may restore your most recently deleted hero.
英雄选择反删除描述 - 你现在可以恢复最近被删除的英雄了。


"RuneAcquired","You have acquired a Runestone! LEFT-CLICK to access your Inventory and equip your Runestone."
"RuneSocket","Runestones can only be attuned to single Skill. LEFT-CLICK and DRAG the Rune to a Skill you want to modify. Runestones can be changed at any time."

"RuneAcquired","Runes change your Skills making them more powerful and versatile. LEFT-CLICK your Primary Skill to attune a Rune."
"RuneSocket","There are five Runes for each Skill! LEFT-CLICK a Rune to assign it to a Skill."
"RuneMasteryRequirementNotMet","Rune unlocked at Level {s1}."

"JoinChannelMessage","Joining Channel: {s1}\n{s2} |4person:people; in channel"
"加入频道信息","加入频道: {s1}\n{s2} |人于频道内"
"LeftChannelMessage","You have left the channel"
"SendChatError","There was an error sending your message: {s1}"
"发送聊天错误","你在发送信息时出现错误: {s1}"
"NotYetJoinedError","You are not yet in a public chat channel."
"WelcomeMessage","Welcome to Diablo III Public Chat.\nJoin a chat channel by selecting one from the drop-down above."
"欢迎信息","欢迎来到暗黑破坏神3公共频道。 \n可以通过上方的下拉框选择加入一个频道。"
"MemberListTitle","{s1} ({s2})","This is the channel name and the number of people in the channel. EX. \"Barbarian Chat (25)\""
"成员名单","{s1} ({s2})","这个频道人的成员名和人数。 例。 \"野蛮人聊天(25)\""
"AcceptedInvite","{s1} invited you to a public channel."
"同意邀请","{s1} 邀请你加入一个公共频道。"
"InviteButtonTooltip","Invite to Party"
"PublicChat","Public Chat"
"InviteToChannelDialogTitle","Select a Friend to Invite"
"OptionsTooltip","Public Chat Options"
"DefaultChannelText","Select a Chat Channel"


"TIP001","Click on loot to pick it up. \nItems dropped by monsters or chests are not visible to other players."
"TIP002","Join a game with other random players by selecting an unlocked quest in the Public Games menu."
"TIP003","Stay close! Monsters will become stronger when more players join the game. "
"TIP004","Invite friends to join a game by pressing the Invite button next to their names in the Social menu."
"TIP005","If your friends are already in a game when you invite them, then you can join their game instead of starting a new one."
"TIP006","Choose Quest Selection on the Main Menu to start a game from any unlocked quest step."
"TIP007","Equip followers with new weapons and abilities as they level up."
"TIP008","A player’s shared stash, artisan levels, recipes, and gold are available to all characters on the account."
"TIP009","Players can attack without moving by holding the SHIFT key. "
"TIP010","Press the ALT key to see the names of the loot drops on the ground."
"TIP011","Press the V key to show or hide enemy health bars."
"TIP012","Demon Hunters can dual wield one-handed crossbows."
"TIP013","Some skills require specific weapon types. \nCheck the tooltips to be sure."
"TIP014","Click on another player’s banner to teleport to that player’s current location."
"TIP015","Monsters, treasure, and terrain randomly change whenever players enter the game."
"TIP016","Fight longer! Buy health potions from vendors like the bartender at the Slaughtered Calf Inn."
"TIP017","All heroes start with a primary weapon attack that can be replaced by a special attack as they level up."
"TIP018","The health potion’s position on the Action Bar can be changed by opening the Options menu, choosing Gameplay, and enabling Elective Mode."
"TIP019","Crafting the same item multiples times may yield better results. \nEvery crafted item is different."
"TIP020","Vendors sell many different items. \nVisit them all to see what they have in stock."
"TIP021","Choose the Open to Friends option in the Game Privacy menu to allow friends to join your games without requesting invites."
"TIP022","Banners can be customized in the Main Menu. \nNew components will become available the more you play!"
"TIP023","Higher difficulty modes are available in the Change Quest menu once they are unlocked."
"TIP024","Defeating Normal mode will unlock the next difficulty setting, Nightmare."
"TIP025","Finishing the game in Normal mode will unlock Hardcore mode, where death is permanent."
"TIP026","New weapons, armor, and challenges can be found in the higher difficulty settings. "
"TIP027","Click on treasure chests and weapon racks with blue highlights for special rewards."
"TIP028","Health globes will heal every player in a party."
"TIP029","There is no cow level."
"TIP030","Choosing the Open to Friends option in Party Settings will notify friends about your game when they come online. "
"TIP031","Resurrect fallen allies by clicking on their corpses."
"TIP032","Change the properties of hotkeys with the Key Bindings settings in the Options menu."
"TIP033","Press the J key to open the Quest Log and get details about current quest steps."
"TIP034","Run over gold to pick it up. \nNo clicking needed!"
"TIP035","Press the D key to show or hide all players’ health bars."
"TIP036","Listen up! Lore books can be replayed through their tab in the Quest Log."
"TIP037","Hold the left mouse button on open ground to move without engaging enemies."
"TIP038","Hold the right mouse button on open ground to move while out of combat."
"TIP039","Demon Hunters can equip a quiver with any ranged weapon."
"TIP040","Hold the right mouse button while in combat to automatically use the attack skill that is mapped to that button."
"TIP041","Hold the CTRL key while reading a skill tooltip in order to see more detailed information."
"TIP042","Share the wealth! If players drop items from their Inventory, anyone in the party will be able to take it."
"TIP043","Customize the Action Bar by opening the Options menu, choosing Gameplay, and enabling Elective Mode."
"TIP044","Defeating Nightmare difficulty will unlock Hell mode."
"TIP045","Defeating Hell mode will unlock the ultimate difficulty mode, Inferno."
"TIP046","Right-click on unidentified items to reveal their attributes and allow them to be equipped.","











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