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发表于 2012-1-12 17:26:26 |显示全部楼层 来自:河北
烈焰盟友为此盟友注入火焰精华。此盟友获得火焰腿的技能,此技能对一条直线上的所有敌人造成相当于武器伤害 52% 的火焰伤害

to fire kick for 60% weapon damage as Fire

空气盟友为此盟友注入空气精华。该盟友的每次攻击有 10% 的几率为你生成 11 内力。另外还盟友被一股气流包围,对周围所有的敌人造成每秒相当于武器伤害 26% 的物理伤害。

the ally is surrounded in a torrent of wind that deals 20% of your weapon damage per second as Physical to all nearby enemies.

水之盟友为此盟友注入流水精华。盟友获得水波攻击的能力。该能力造成相当于武器伤害 66% 的物理伤害并

The ally gains the ability to perform a wave attack that deals 65% of your weapon damage as Physica

大地盟友为该盟友注入大地精华。该盟友和你的最大生命值增加 50% 。同时该盟友获得地动波的技能。该技能对单体敌人造成相当于武器伤害 79% 的物理伤害并强制该敌人攻击该盟友 25 秒。
The ally also gains the ability to create a wave of earth, dealing 78% of your weapon damage as Physical to

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