necromancer 发表于 2013-10-2 12:24:25

暗黑3 PS3 1.0.2补丁详细内容

暗黑3主机版补丁 1.0.2


[*]Fixed a crash that could occur when quitting the game during a cutscene.修复一个可能在过场时退出游戏造成的崩溃
[*]Fixed a crash that could occur when interacting with the stash while another player attempts to join your game.修复一个可能在访问仓库的时候另一个玩家试图加入游戏造成的崩溃
[*]Fixed a crash that could occur after connection failures caused by NAT/Firewall settings.修复一个可能在联机失败时发生的崩溃
[*]Fixed multiple crashes that could occur as a result of memory corruption.修复多个内存错误造成的崩溃
[*]Fixed crash when casting Hex with the Painful Transformation rune on a Fetish Shaman in Acts III and IV.修复巫医施展妖术(疼痛转换符文)在第三和第四章的迷信萨满身上时发生的崩溃
[*]Removed unnecessary "Clear Skill" option that could appear on the Passive Skill screen and would crash the game when selected.删除可能显示在被动技能屏幕上不必要的“清除技能”选项,选中可能造成崩溃。


[*]Enabling Elective Mode no longer causes "New Slot" notification stars to appear for the original slot as opposed to the slot the skill is assigned to.启动“自由选择模式”不会再造成已有的技能栏上显示新技能栏的星星
[*]Hardcore characters in the process of taking fatal damage while exiting the Scorched Chapel will no longer be permanently killed.专家模式的角色在退出烈焰礼拜堂(决斗的场地)的时候遭受致命伤害不会再被永久杀死。
[*]Followers can no longer permanently lose all items after migrating from one game host to another.追随者不会再在从一个游戏切换到另一个游戏的时候丢失所有的装备
[*]The following four item sets will no longer repeatedly and permanently add core stat bonuses each time the player logs out of the game: Blackthorne's Armor, Endless Path, Zunimassa's Whispers, and Guardian's Contingency. (This fix will also retroactively correct inflated core stat bonuses on heroes affected by this bug prior to our hotfix going live.)下面4个套装不会在每次退出游戏时重复且永久的增加主属性奖励(黑荆棘的盔甲,无尽的道路,祖尼玛莎的私语,守护者的意外),并且这个补丁会修复之前受到影响的英雄。
[*]Equipping a quiver with a two-handed bow will no longer cause Quick Compare to incorrectly reflect a loss in damage.在双手弓上装备箭袋不会再造成快速比较功能错误显示伤害降低
[*]Square gems should now only drop in Hell difficulty, which is also where the required items to combine them drop.正方形宝石现在只在地狱难度掉落,合成它们的材料也是地狱难度掉落。
[*]The Paragon experience bar for Player 2 and Player 4 now displays correctly instead of being visually clipped at the ends.玩家2和玩家4的巅峰经验条能正确显示了
[*]Fixed a bug that caused a player's experience bar to not display in multiplayer games if a another character with a Paragon levels had entered the game first.修复一个造成玩家经验条不显示的bug,多人游戏另一个有巅峰等级的玩家先进游戏时发生。
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the inventory to not display unidentified Legendary items.修复不显示背包里未鉴定装备的bug
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the inventory to display equipped items twice if you exited the gem socketing sub-screen with the Select/Back button.修复一个造成背包里显示2遍已装备物品的bug。用select返回按钮退出宝石镶嵌子屏幕时发生。
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the controller to become stuck vibrating indefinitely.修复造成手柄卡振动的bug。
[*]Made changes to address corruptions of saved game data.对保存的游戏数据的地址错误进行改正。

Please note that this patch is currently only available for PlayStation 3 users. While we don’t have an estimate as to when this patch will be available as a title update for Xbox 360, we will be sure to post an update once it’s live. Thanks!

VoV!!! 发表于 2013-10-2 12:48:36


pmx_003 发表于 2013-10-2 12:55:24


necromancer 发表于 2013-10-2 13:20:53

pmx_003 发表于 2013-10-2 12:55 static/image/common/back.gif

通常会吧 呵呵

小白兔丧心病狂 发表于 2013-10-2 13:20:59


Starrywings 发表于 2013-10-2 15:18:53


TriMix 发表于 2013-10-3 01:05:03






YaSheNo 发表于 2013-10-3 03:59:14

早該改了 我裝備一堆不見

necromancer 发表于 2013-10-3 13:13:24

TriMix 发表于 2013-10-3 01:05 static/image/common/back.gif



akira1105 发表于 2013-10-3 15:03:01


AD熊 发表于 2013-10-3 15:34:06

字数1234566789,我也数字你妹一下 哈哈

大鲶鱼 发表于 2013-10-10 08:53:54


阿嚕嚕 发表于 2017-9-21 09:51:21

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